Chapter 5: Fighting for Your Life.

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(A/N: Ohh, spooky fighting scene! Also, I'm gonna make a new ship bc I CAN!)

The day we were all gonna be fighting was today. I woke up at 5 am, so I could get ready. My hair was an actual rat's nest, & I was informed that the field run slash us-all-risking-our-lives-to-go-to-a-school thingy was starting at 8 am. We were also told to wear our darkest clothes, which for me was a black leather jacket with a black crop top & jeans with leather boots that went up to nearly my knee. If we had leather, we were told to wear it.

I put on my outfit. I brushed my hair aka briefly washed it because if I died today, I wanted to at least look good for the funeral. Gotta look good even in a coffin. Then briefly put on some make-up. I was sure I was ready! I tiptoed out the dorm & popped into the kitchen for some food.

In case you didn't realize how long my hair was, It's REALLY long. So long that I could hardly blink without my hair falling to the front, but not so long to the point that it was touching the floor. My hair's about mid waist length. I was eating my toast while watching my favorite movie, Hamilton, as though I had no chance of dying in an hour. About half-way through the movie, Knife & a few other people started pouring in. (Hamilton is about 2 to 3 hours long, btw)

Knife came & sat next to me. He saw me struggling with my hair, & I assumed he'd do nothing about it, but instead, he said, "Do you want me to braid your hair or brush it back or something?" I nearly choked on my bite of Toast. "W-What?!" I was blushing while semi-yelling. "I said, do you, Lily Rose, want me, Knife Forger, to braid your hair?" "I-I-" I looked at my sisters who were watching Tik-Tok videos while eating their food. (Mac was looking at me strangely) "I- I mean, I-if y-you want too..." He motioned for me to sit on the floor beneath him.

I sat there while Knife braided my hair, In complete silence other than Hamilton playing on the T.V. I was semi-blushing, & I could see Knife equally blushing. I was simply vibing to 'The room where it happens', So was everyone else. (We started the song over, with people singing though. With roles like Lightbulb as Aaron Burr, Paintbrush as Alexander Hamilton, & so on.)

At 7:49, we all got REALLY ready.. We all went on the walk to go to the spot that we were instructed to meet at. "Painty, when's it gonna be time for the mission thingy?!" Lightbulb asked pleadingly. "It's 7:58, you only have to wait 2 more minutes." They said looking at their watch.

Mic, Taco, Knife, & I were all standing side by side, Looking at each other. The new kids were all standing side by side to one another as well. Soon the floor beneath us shook, & we all screamed. Mic screamed as well, causing one window by us to break. Taco pressed Mic's Mute button before we all went deaf.

Mr. Mephone appeared in front of us. "Hello all! I'm just here to say walk into that elevator over there for your first mission! Enjoy & Don't die! But if you do die, I know plenty of people on the line that revive you!" He then disappeared. "Well let's just go, we've not gotten all day." Taco said. For some reason, Taco brought a gun & Was carrying it around like we were in the thick of World War II.

We all slowly walked toward the elevator. It had grass for a floor & trees surrounding it. Once all of us got in it started moving. The squares we were standing on separated into narrow, little blocks, & The elevator went faster. A Light blue scanner of some sort scanned my body, then the elevator came to a halt.

A huge screen in front of me said in bold blue words, "'If you are wearing any, Please remove all forms of lenses. If you need glasses, please temporarily take them off & Put them back on. If you have long hair, Put your hair up in a bun or braid. Thank you, & have a nice day." I took out my black contact lenses to reveal my beautiful ocean-like blue eyes.

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