Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


I guess I should have called before coming over. Georgia wanted this information for her party as soon as possible so I figured it would be fine to just drop it off but it sounds a little tense in there. Stepping back from the opened door, I start to leave when I hear my name.

"Zoe! Zoe!" Harper comes to the door and steps into the hall, closing the door behind him. "Hey, how are you? I don't think they remembered that you were coming this morning. We kinda ran into a little problem."

I don't have to be told that, hearing the voices raise through the door. "Georgia wasn't expecting me. I got the information she needed, I was just going to drop it off. If you could give it to her?"

Pulling the envelope out of my bag, I handed it over to Harper. I'm sure he will get it to Georgia and avoiding the family feud that's going on in there is just fine with me.

"Sure, I can give it to her but I'm sure she would like to see you." Harper takes the envelope but motions for me to follow him in. "Come on in."

"They sound... busy." Angry is more like it. I hesitate to move a single step into the condo. I know that personal business is better not exposed to people outside the situation.

"Nah! You know you're considered family." Harper took my hand and tugged me to the door.

"Harper, that sounds pretty intense. I don't think it's a good idea..."

When the door opened, Lance was standing there, a little confused but really ticked off. He looked at Harper with a hard frown on his face then he saw me and swallowed down his temper with a tight smile.

"Zoe? I didn't know you were coming by this morning. We, uh... got sidetracked. Why don't you go down to Harper's place. I'll let Georgia know you're there." He tried to nudge Harper out to the hall.

"She's got Grandma's party stuff." He waved the envelope. "You know how Grandma is about her parties."

"And you know how your dad is about interrupting a business meeting. Sorry, Zoe. This is important. Harp, take Zoe downstairs now." Lance was unmovable in his stance.

Giving in, we headed back to Sawyer's place that he is sharing with Harper. Walking into the condo everything is very familiar. Sawyer has a style all his own. The oversized gaming chairs, the monster TV, every piece of furniture was bought with comfort in mind. That's where he and Harper are very similar.

"If you are heading out, you can go ahead and do what you need to do. I'm fine waiting for Georgia here." I don't want to put him out. I know he has just as busy a schedule as the rest of the family.

Sitting down on the couch, I look around the room and spot it. He kept it all this time. It took me a minute to pull myself out of the memory. It seems strange to be in his house after all this time. Once upon a time I was as much at home here as I was in my own home. That was because of Sawyer.

He always made me feel welcome in his place.

"Actually, I saw you at the door. I figured you would feel a little weird walking in on all that." Harper took a seat next to me and stretched his arms on the back of the sofa. "So what's the plan?"

"I don't have any plans. Sawyer and I have been over for a while. I know he doesn't want what I do." As soon as I said it, I knew I just stuck my foot in my mouth.

"I meant with the party. But if you want to talk about why you and Sawyer called it quits, I'll hear you out." Of course he will. Harper has always been such a great friend.

The End Game  book 3 of The Bradford Series Where stories live. Discover now