Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


Last night I stayed at the office longer than I anticipated. Emails needed to be responded to, I had some investigating to do with this meeting this morning. I'm realizing this job is going to be harder than I expected.

Cade puts in long hours at the office and at home. I figured it was just because he's a workaholic and the boss. No, it's not. It's because there's just that much that needs to be done. No amount of assistants, secretaries or staff can help him know what he needs to know to do his job competently and successfully otherwise. And he's putting me on the same path.

That's not the life I want. I understand I have to work for a living. I understand the family, mainly Grandma, won't allow me to just kick back and enjoy my inheritance and live a good life. I understand that and I'm willing to work but I want a life too. There's no point in working so hard that you no longer have a life, just a job. That's where Cade is headed.

Picking up the coffees and teas this morning, I'm still determined to win over the employees of this company. They're human beings, they want to be respected, trusted, and valued. I understand that feeling. I'm going to show them that it is possible for this company to give them what they need as employees.

"Hi cutie! Whatcha want today?" The girl behind the counter bats her eyelashes at me and it took me a minute to realize that she wasn't trying to get the spider out of her eye.

"Uh, hi. Are you okay? You seem to have a little uh..." motioning towards her eye, she got the clue and fixed the false eyelashes that were coming off.

"Sorry, glue sucks. What can I get you?" She looks embarrassed so I try to keep it light.

"Ten coffees black, ten caramel lattes, ten mocha lattes, eight vanilla lattes extra cream a shot of espresso each, ten skinny lattes, four mochachino skinny with a shot of espresso each, three strawberry lemonades, two chai teas, an orange pekoe and a large coke extra ice, please. I like caffeine." Smiling at her, she bursts out laughing and rings up the order.

"I guess you do. Either you are really good at being a coffee runner or you work at a coffee house." She smiles sweetly as she pulls out the to go trays.

"Neither actually. I'm the boss, one of them. I'm trying to win over the employees still." Admitting my scheme to her, I watch her mouth drop open.

"Wow. Well, you'd get my vote. Not many bosses are willing to pick up coffee for the entire office." It sounds like a compliment, that's how I'm taking it.

"It's the second time this week. I figure, if I can win them early, then it'll be easier down the road." And so far my plan has worked.

"So you win them over then don't do anything again, that's not gonna go well, but your company." And I realize she's exactly right. The employees who were brought on with Georgia and Alan, even with Mike were treated well, better than under Adam. Those people who have stuck around, who are loyal to Bradford Drake need to be recognized for that.

And compensated accordingly. Cade may not like that but I have to look into it. If we are paying according to the market, if we are giving raises and the cost of living increases, we will lose people and money, knowledge and skills. It's important we have the best resources at hand and that means the best people possible for what we can afford.

"You're right." Realizing I offended her, I tried to flirt my way back into her good graces. "I was getting a little worried about you. I thought those spiders were going to bite you." Teasing her with a wink, I hand her my credit card.

The End Game  book 3 of The Bradford Series Where stories live. Discover now