Level 2 Package

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After receiving money from her mother Valdis started making a list of all the things she wanted the troops to buy. The main problem was she did not have enough space to store the things but she decided to buy them first and she will arrange how to store them later. If nothing else she can use one of her villas which is near the remote side of the city and her women can take care of them.

She started making a list of the things. In the first list rice, flour, different types of oil, various grains, salt, pepper, seasoning, spices, and some seeds of vegetables, fruits, grains, and medicine were included. She also added all kinds of beverages and drinks. This list was forwarded by Victor to the first unit's captain the special soldier to buy.

Then she made a second list which included packaged water bottles, water purification devices, jackets, protective clothing, sunglasses, gloves, masks, shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc. And asked Victor to send it to the second unit to buy.

Then she added lighters, flints, small generators, wood stoves, alcohol stoves, flashlights, tents, and other things that can be used for camping, and the task of collecting these things was given to the third unit.

The task of collecting diesel, gasoline, and liquor was given to the fourth unit. And fifth unit was just asked to buy as many arms and weapons as they could through whatever channel available. Valdis wrote down all the important things she could remember and at the end asked Victor if she should add anything more. Victor said, "Commander you do not need to worry heavily. You are living in the city center so resources will not be a big problem even after the apocalypse arrives. Weapons will be the most important and sought-after things after the apocalypse but you can get weapons and base resources from the system as well. And the things provided by the system are all high quality and advanced. So Commander should not worry about these things and try to improve your strength.

After discussing with Victor she had completed the allotment of tasks and distributed the money. Now she finally had time to look at the level 2 gift package. There was a panel in front of her that she found there was a gift bag-like icon. She clicked on The gift box and a pop-up window opened which asked her to choose between the yes or no option. She clicked on yes and the level 2 gift package opened. Inside she found


Received space stone!

Received medical kit x1!

Received 50% antivirus serum X1!

Received Commander aura!]

Valdis asked Victor to open their description to know about their information. Victor opened all of them one by one.

Space stone -: Used for upgrading space storage devices. Explore more on your own.

Medical kit -: 3 super medicines that can heal any injuries in seconds, 5 common medicines for all kinds of diseases like common cough, cold, fever, etc., a set of bandages for injuries which can be healed and scars will be removed, set of patches for temperature change and pain relievers.

50% antivirus serum -: Antidote works only if injected within 1 day and the virus has not spread more than 50% then that person can be saved from becoming infected for the person bitten by the zombie.

Commander aura:- Aura can be freely activated and deactivated. Once the aura is activated your leadership skill will increase by 100% and people's respect will increase by 100%. People's unconditioned trust in your decisions will be received.

Looking at the rewards Valdis's eyes lit up. Specially the space stone she received was one of the things which she needed right now to store the things and now she also knew how to upgrade her space. And Commander's aura will be very useful when she builds her base in the future because her army will trust and respect her blindly but people need to be convinced to join her base.

"Victor, can I only obtain space stone from the gift package or are there other ways?"

"Commander space stones are very rare resources and you will need higher-level space stones with every upgrade. You can buy them in the system mall or you can also get them in the future and the way you will have to explore."

Rubbing the space ring on her finger she thought of a way to merge it. "Victor, how can I use space stone to upgrade my space ring?"

Victor replied, " Commander you can choose to merge the ring through the system since both are received from the system. Or you can merge it on your own when the apocalypse arrives and you awaken your power."

Valdis chose to merge space stone with the help of the system. It took one minute to complete merging and her space was now upgraded to second level. She tried to look inside the space and found that the fog around the villa had disappeared and there were long patches of grass around her. There were also ornamental flowers planted in some places. On the other side, she found a fertile land of few acres and there was a well near it. Valdis walked towards it and found there was water in the well. This discovery made her happy. This concluded that she will be able to grow crops inside her space so she will not need to worry about food. On the other side where she saw ornamental flowers, she found different patches of grass standing lonely completely separated from other lands. There was a huge tree growing out from there and this tree also had fruits. She walked towards that tree and found that there was a water spring behind that tree. The first thought that came to her mind was that it was the spiritual spring mentioned in the novels. Valdis came out of her space ring which she can now enter. Valdis had not tried if other living things could enter her space but after this upgrade, she was able to enter the space ring with her body. 

"Victor I found a spring behind the old tree. Do you know anything about that spring?"

"Supreme Commander the spring which you came out from is the spiritual spring mentioned in the novel. If you drink its water you will be able to heal some injuries and it will also give a beauty effect which can make one look good with smooth and soft skin."

Valdis did not care much about the beauty effect since that would be sought after by men. Maybe she can give some water to her father and brother to drink and they will be very happy. But healing injuries is very important. Especially after the apocalypse, the injuries will become quite common and spring water can be used as medicine for her army.

Victor seemed to hear her thoughts and added," It can also help the person improve their physique and powers so Commander is recommended to drink one glass every day. The spring water is manifested from the essence of heaven and earth so you do not need to worry about it getting exhausted. The old tree which is bearing fruits is also a treasure. Those fruits can give one the effect of washing marrow and will help you change your physique and optimize the strength of your body. It is just that one will have to bear pain after eating it."

Valdis asked Victor, "What about fruits how many can one tree bear and will they grow again? How much time will it take to grow a fruit again?"

Victor said, "Commander these fruits are rare so currently the tree can bear 27 fruits and one new fruit will be generated every month. If you want more fruit and faster speed you should try to upgrade your space earlier. And you do not need to give these fruits to the soldiers because all chosen soldiers are the best of the best and their physique is already optimally utilized before the system chooses to summon them in this world."

Hearing this Valdis felt a sigh of relief since she was planning on giving the fruits to the soldiers. After all the soldiers would be completely loyal to her and would become her strength in the future so she wanted them to have good physiques and give them the best things. In the apocalypse strength of the person will decide many things.

After looking into all these things Valdis heard a knock on the door of her room. Valdis opened the door and found that Aron was standing outside. She raised an eyebrow since Aron was not someone to take initiative with his shy nature. She moved to the side and allowed him to enter the room. Aron went inside and Valdis closed the door. The moment Valdis closed the door Aron had an unnatural blush spreading on his cheeks. He felt shy staying alone in a single room with the commander. Then he immediately shook his head as if shaking such thoughts out of his mind and looked up to Valdis who was looking at him with confused eyes. He once again felt himself blushing and there was suspicious red spreading on his face even his ears were completely red. He let out and cough trying to lighten the atmosphere and whispered in a voice smaller than a mosquito, "Congratulations."

Apocalypse Commander : ValdisDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora