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After leaving her apartment she returned to her dorm with Aron. Her friends already had their lunch and were now discussing yesterday's incident. A medical team came yesterday after they gave a call. Fortunately, they listened to the advice they gave to them on a call and came wearing proper and complete suits. When they entered the corridor they heard Reya banging against the door. One of them pushed it open and saw that Reya had turned completely blue like a corpse her eyes were bloodshot and her hand had long black fingernails. They carried her into the ambulance after tying her up. She was trying to bite them during this whole process. Valdis asked at this time, "How do you know?" 

Valdis thought, 'Yesterday all three of them slept together and no one went out. As for boys they are naturally timid so they will not dare to go out without a girl'. That's why Valdis asked this question. At this time Alina replied, "It was Sera. She is still staying in the dormitory. Yesterday she heard the noise and came downstairs to check the scene and saw all this. She said that she came down yesterday but was late because she had to climb down the stairs. When she came down she saw us running away and because she was afraid she went back to her dormitory instead of following us. She came downstairs to meet us today after you left." 

Valdis raised her eyebrows at these words. She found that there was something wrong with Sera's approach but she could not figure out what it was so she let it go. The first thing she wanted to do now was to check how many points she could exchange for the gold and silver she had received from her mother. And how much amount of troops she can summon from the other world. This was going to be her power at the end of the world.

Then she told her friends that she had bought some supplies and her parents had arrived. She learned that Alina's parents would be arriving in the evening. Then after a short chat, Valdis went back to her room. After going back to her room she called Victor. Victor replied,

"Hello, Commander your cute assistant Victor is here to assist you. How can I help you?"

Valdis replied, "Can you calculate how many points I can get after exchanging these gold and silver?"

Victor replied, "Immediately. Commander the weight of gold is 1 kilogram and the weight of silver is 10 kilograms. The gold can be exchanged for 10 points per gram while silver can be exchanged for 1 point per gram. Would you like to exchange the rare metals Commander?"

Valdis thought for a moment and said agreed. For her, the points were very important and with them, she would be able to summon people from another world who would be added to her army. And she also realized that this system had some way of giving them knowledge of the world. It means that the army she forms in the future will be well-trained with the basics of the system as well as completely loyal to her. This army will be her true strength in the future and will also help her with managing her base. 

She exchanged all her gold and silver for points and received 10000 points for gold and 10000 for silver making her points skyrocket to 20000. Then she checked with Victor the troops she could summon. Victor displayed a panel in her mind and she found out that she could summon all the troops of the army she had heard of and there were also many others that she had never heard of. Currently, she was only able to summon some basic staff, and all the other columns were grayed out on the panel. 

Basic soldier - 100 points

Special soldier - 1000 points

Logistics soldier - 200 points

Military chef - 500 points

Valdis thought for a while and decided to create a unit of eight basic soldiers, one logistics soldier, and one special soldier. It will cost her 2000 points. When she thought this way she realized she had too many points. If it was a normal person it would be difficult to have so much gold and silver but for her, there was a lot of gold and silver. Her family was rich and they owned a lot of such jewelry and other precious metals. But then she realized that her mother might not have brought all the family's savings this time. Even though her mother used her contacts to open up the bank locker it is not possible to bring everything in this short time. Her family had accounts at well-known banks which were said to be 'very safe'. So it was virtually not possible to bring everything at such short notice.

Valdis decided to first create as many units as possible and then try to collect more precious metals with the help of these units. Valdis checked her account and found that there was still a large amount of money left, so during these two days, she decided to go out with Aron and use the money to buy gold, silver, platinum, and other precious metals. After that, she created 5 units each worth 2000 points, and also summoned one military cook worth 500 points. The military chef can cook food for more than 100 people so one was enough for the time being. Then she asked the system to create them at different places near the capital city. There was an internal communication channel between military units where she could contact any of the units within the limited range. Currently, the range was enough to cover the capital city and with her being in the center of it she was able to contact all 5 units. She sent them an order asking them to wear their casual clothes and then buy the things as per the list she sent. She also transferred them a sum of the amount to purchase the things and then asked them to come to her campus tomorrow night. Then she transferred the list of things to buy and money to the special soldier in every unit. Currently, the special soldier was leading all the units since there was no specialized captain she could summon. The military cook was assigned to unit 01 by default. To make things easier she just named the units with the numbers. 

Valdis learned from Victor that all the soldiers had small bad which was storage bag like her storage ring but the amount of space inside was smaller than the space of her ring. so she did not have to worry about where the troops would store the things she asked them to buy. And they can also have their lunch and dinner outside with the money she has transferred. 

Valdis then created unit 00 which comprised of five special soldiers who will only follow her. Valdis summoned 5 units for 10000 points, a military cook for 500 points, and a special unit for 5000 points. After all summoning, she had 4500 points left. After doing this she heard Victor, " Commander your level of authority is supreme but you have to level up. You can level up considering the number of personnel you have under your orders. Earlier you were level 1 and to level up to level 2 you need 100 total personnel under your command. Currently, you have 58 personnel under your command including a Military jeep and your personal life assistant. If you create 42 more personnel then you can level up to second level. There will be bonuses and level-up gift packages with every level."

Valdis understood. She calculated that she had 4500 points left which can summon 45 basic soldiers so 42 personnel requirements will be fulfilled and then she will be able to level up to the second level. She asked Victor to summon 42 basic soldiers for 4200 points. 

Victor's voice sounded


You have met the requirements to level up from level one to level two.

Name -: Valdis

Age -: 20

Authority -: Supreme Commander

Points -: 300

Level -: 2

Personnel -: 100

Units -: 5

Ability -: None, (will be awakened after apocalypse arrival)

Inventory -: Base token, Level 2 gift package]

Valdis asked Victor to deploy the 42 basic soldiers in the forest behind the campus. She gave them the task of making a map complete map of the forest and marking all the resources inside. They were asked to wear military clothing. Valdis noticed that except for her personal life assistant Aron, all the other troops were female. But it is also normal since men are very weak to be part of the army. Now Valdis wanted to quickly open up her level 2 gift package and look at the new permissions she should have received with it. Later she can go out with Aron to buy the precious materials. She had also asked her mother to send her some money telling her she needed it to buy certain necessities. Though her mother had some doubts she did not inquire in detail and just asked her to be careful and take care of herself. 

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