An Opera singer his mother told him.

One of, if not the best, female performers in the world.

She wasn't what he'd expected at all, though he could admit he hadn't expected much considering he'd only been drawn to her outer beauty and looking for a one-night stand at the least, perhaps a short, month long tryst in which he could find new and creative ways to make her sing beneath him at best.

What could he say?

He was a bit of a playboy, he could be honest about that.

And the women in his technical socioeconomic class were more than game for a no-strings-attached romp until they found the ideal man to advance their social, political and financial goals.

Not that he himself wasn't a pretty big catch.

But it was well known throughout every circle that mattered that twenty-eight-year-old Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki was a happy bachelor and not looking to change that any times soon.

He'd expected this Hinata Hyuuga to be of a similar mindset as those he'd hit the sheets with.

What he hadn't expected was to meet a down to earth woman with a great sense of humor that laughed at his crappy jokes and made him laugh with hers.

That they'd bond over his current and her, surprisingly, former dislike of opera.

That little revelation had thrown him for a loop.

What professional opera singer grew up hating their current career choice most of their life?

One that hadn't actively made the choice, but had been browbeaten into it by her socioeconomic status greedy mother, unsurprisingly.

That at least was a play Naruto was familiar with.

Matchmaking mamas and 'let's talk business' fathers had always been the bane of his existence.

Everyone was always looking for a way to gain a leg up despite the fact that everybody here were already so far in the goddamn sky the next leg up was the space.

He hadn't expected her to be so uncomfortable with the fawning attention she received at the door.

Nor that she avoided High Society just as much as he did unless dragged into it by family that wouldn't take no for answer, and who she couldn't give a no to in return.

Of all the pleasant surprises and revelations he'd uncovered in that hour on the veranda with her, what he certainly hadn't expected was to find himself, him of all people in the universe, smitten , fuckin goofy smile and sweaty palms smitten , with the slightly shy, sweet-hearted woman with a body made for sin and a smile like an angel.

He'd come away from that meeting desperate to see her again.

Intrigued and entranced in a way he'd never been before he'd settled into jaded indifference.

In a world that'd long since become gray and listless, she was a splash of vibrant color he'd never seen before.

And so...

Here he was.

The dumb, stupid idiot Karin thought he was, twisting her arm to get him entrance into a musical performance he'd rather never have known ever existed than listen to, sitting through what had to be the devil's most prized torture instrument just to have the chance to exchange a few more words with her, or, if he got lucky, secure an actual, full on date, something he hadn't officially, voluntarily been on in damn near ten years.

His stomach clenched.

Him .

Of all people!

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