[10] Idk, have sleepy moon

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I don't know why but the video made me cry and i don't even watch the damn show-

Sorry this is so short


You slouched against the wall of the parts and service cylinder. Moon's blood was on your hands. You were exhausted after fixing Moon. The animatronic's complicated innards made you stressed, in fear of putting him in worse pain. Eventually you managed to fix him and that brought you to where you were now—sitting against the wall with Moon in front of you, still strapped to the table. Moon seemed exhausted. The repairing had caused him a lot of pain, resulting in the tiredness evident.

He looked ready to shut down and your heart ached at the thought of having to carry this huge metal animatronic back to the daycare. There was no other way around it, though, and you were determined to at least bring Moon back to where he resided. To the daycare. So, you stood up—still quite exhausted from having to repair the animatronic— and left the cylinder, going over to the computer and pressed the finish button, hearing the metal cuffs unlatch. As soon as they did you went back inside, picking Moon up from under the arms and lifting him off the table, hearing his metal body clank onto the ground with a dull thud. You grabbed him out of the cylinder, seeing that he was too tired to attempt to hold up his body weight. As you carried him over toward the daycare you began thinking. How violent was Moon acting in order for Vanessa to smash him to bits. Had she done it on purpose?

You decided to shake these thoughts off for now and focus on the task at hand. You opened the double doors of the daycare and set Moon down on a pile of pillows, hoping that it's enough to sooth him even a bit. After all, he'd been thorough a lot lately. Moon immediately collapsed onto the pillows, seemingly not realizing how tired he actually was until he was lying there and resting. You heard the sound of him shutting down before his eyes turned completely black.

Well then... You would have to take care of everything yourself. First things first... You took a shower, letting the warm water wash away the remains of the grease and grime from cleaning and fixing Moon's body. After washing yourself clean (which required a lot of soap), you slipped out of the bathroom and walked back toward where Moon was resting, seeing him exactly the same. Perfect.

Shining Midnight Skies [Moon x Gender Neutral Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang