[3] Shit, You Might've Broken The Animatronic... Damn

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also- funni vid lol


You observed Sun happily entertaining the kids as they came down the rainbow slide that you were forced to use. As you walked over to introduce yourself to the kids, Sun stopped you before you could. You were clearly confused by the animatronic's actions. Did he not want you to get to know the kids? It should be part of your job to interact with the children who come in and out.

"I never caught your name, sprout!" Sun declared as he brought you over to the entrance of the daycare.

"Oh, it's [name]," you responded back as he set you upon the ground.

"[name]! What a wonderful name! Say, [name], can you please go to the kitchen and grab us some snacks? We're running short on supplies in the daycare. The list should be on the security desk!" Sun clapped his hands together and looked at you pleadingly.

Obviously, you accepted.

"Sure, I don't want to really be here with a thousand tiny gremlins who look like they're flies who've been dunked in coffee that's been loaded with a fuck-ton of sugar," You replied, shrugging a shoulder.

"Oooo! They said a bad word!"

"Mister Sun says there are no bad words in the daycare!"

"Mister Sun, what does 'fuck' mean?"

"My mommy says something like that! Mommy says 'motherfucker' and says it has something to do with something called sex!"

"My daddy says the same thing! Except 'monster' instead of 'mother'!"

"Mister Sun, what's sex?"

"Yeah! What's sex?"

Roses are red, cacti are prickly, holy fucking shit, that escalated quickly. You saw Sun visibly freaking out and trying to stop the kids from asking any more questions or even conversing with each other. You decided that you had just fucked up and needed to get out right now before it escalated any further.

You grabbed the clipboard off the desk and left through the wooden doors of the daycare. Once you got out, you closed the doors and looked down at the clipboard.

x24 Fish Cracker Snack Packs

x15 Pepperoni Sticks (singular packaging)

x5 Cookie Boxes

x8 Granola Bars

You could do this; it didn't seem too bad. You put the directions into your Fazwatch and headed off to the kitchen.

Upon reaching the kitchen, you had a moment of realization—you didn't bring anything to carry the supplies. Mentally facepalming, you quickly scanned the area for a solution. Fortunately, you stumbled upon a cardboard box, and with a sigh of relief, you packed all the snacks into it. Gripping the handles of the makeshift container, you made your way back to the daycare.

Pushing open the doors, you saw Sun sitting down with the kids who were engrossed in their arts and crafts. Once Sun heard the doors open, he twisted his head to look at you. Upon seeing you, he quickly stood up and bolted over, cheerfully taking the box from your hands.

"Let me help, [name]! Don't want to put too much work on youuuu~!" he said with a bright smile.

You gave a slight relieved smile as he took the heavy box from your hands. Honestly, you didn't understand why it was so heavy; it was just snacks, for Faz sake.

"Say, can you pleaaasseee watch the kiddos while I go put these away?" Sun asked pleadingly.

"Sure," you began, "go and put the snacks away. I'll take care of the kids."

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