[2] A Piss Noodle Animatronic?

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Who is this?

oh right sorry i'm vanessa

i took the night guard job you
were about to take

You set 000-000-0000's name to Vanessa

Alright, thanks for letting me know.

well i wouldn't just contact
you for nothing

you got a job as the daycare
manager correct

Yeah, that's me.

be careful

the daycare isn't as it seems

I'm sorry but I just cannot
take you seriously with your
lack of punctuation.

yeah yeah

deal with it

i have to get going now but
i suggest you come over here
soon before you get fired on
your first day


It's only 7 though.


You, are not my boss >:(

i, do not care

OMG Vanessa using punctuation
for once in her life?! :0


Alright, jeez. 😒

You stretched and got out of bed, changing your clothing and attending to the basic necessities humans need to survive. You relaxed in your bed, chilling and sleeping until someone named 'Vanessa' came along and woke you up with a notification from your Fazwatch.

You gathered whatever you needed and left to go to the Pizzaplex. It was a nice walk, sunny and warm. You had already called your old job, and it turns out you got fired. It's a good thing you secured this new job when you did.

You walked into the mall, seeing the S.T.A.F.F Bots roaming around. You made sure to stay out of their way and walked to the daycare. You of course used the map on your Fazwatch to help you get there seeing as you had zero memory of the layout.

When you got there you realized the Fazwatch took you to the drop-off area. You made a mental note to fix it later on and looked around. you noticed two large gold statues, back to back right in front of you. You took in the appearance of the strange sun animatronic, but then took your gaze off it as you remembered you didn't have time to deal with looking around, you had a job to do.

You saw that the rainbow-colored slide was the only entrance, and you sighed, knowing it was quicker than going through the main entrance. Gripping the edges, you pushed yourself in, hearing the clattering of a ball pit below.

With a groan, you pulled yourself up and out, slightly disgusted as you felt the greasy plastic. You swam to the edge of the ball pit, climbed out, and pushed some plastic balls back in place. [New approach to meeting the daycare attendant?! What?!?!]

"One moment please~!!" A cheerful yet slightly robotic sounding voice reverberated into the room.

You were confused until you saw a bright piss coloured eye strain skip into view. You saw a sun animatronic resembling the statue come over to you and pick you up, quite aggressively.

"HEEELLOOOO! You're not a kiddo! You can't be hereee~! We aren't open yet friend!"

Geez, was this animatronic always this cheerful or is it just right now?

"I'm the new Daycare Manager? I'm looking for the Daycare Attendant." You were hesitant in responding to the animatronic but it somehow seemed as it's happiness was rubbing off on you.

"That's mee~! Oh how exciting! You don't know how Lonnnggg we've been waiting for a new Manager! Now we can have so much FUN together! We can finger paint or-or maybe make paper snowflakes~! What about a PUPPET SHOW?! I LOVVVEE PUPPET SHOWSSS!!"

You chuckled at the animatronic's enthusiasm and gently tapped his arm as a signal to put you down. The animatronic hummed in confusion at you tapping his arm but quickly caught on and placed you gently on the ground.

"Oh Seedling I can't wait for the day to begin!"

"Same." You responded, vaguely registering the nickname he gave you, "oh, by the way, I never caught your name." You added.

"OH! Well geez, I'm so sorry! I forgot to introduce myself! Oh silly me~, I'm Sun!"

You playfully rolled your eyes, "of course Fazbear Entertainment wouldn't do their job and pick an actual name."

"I quite like my name, 'scuse you."

You chuckled as he playfully crossed his arms, giving a childish pout. Before you could say anything else the sound of children laughing and chatting came into the room. You heard Sun gasp before he basically teleported to the ball pit from how fast he ran.


You chuckled and walked over. Ready to help him with the kids.

Shining Midnight Skies [Moon x Gender Neutral Reader]Where stories live. Discover now