[8] VANESSA! 😡

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Paperbag No.2 come get your boyfriend. He's being weird-


You reveled in the glorious embrace of the bright sunlight beaming through your bedroom window, its warm rays draping over you like a soft, comforting blanket. Nestled in the gentle caress of cozy pillows and plush blankets, you couldn't help but be flooded with pure, unadulterated happiness. It was a moment of pure blissa surge of serotonin that couldn't be topped.

The sun's tender warmth chased away the lingering memories of yesterday, whisking them away on a gentle breeze. Time seemed to stand still as you lay there, wishing with all your might to freeze this perfect moment in time. The golden sunlight kissed your skin, painting it with a luminous glow that matched the very essence of summer.

But alas, tranquility has its limits. The serene silence that enveloped the room was abruptly shattered by a beep from your Fazwatch. Reluctantly, you stirred from your dreamy cocoon, knowing deep down that it was inevitable. Sooner or later, you would have to face the world beyond those four walls.

As the familiar beep reverberated through the room, you reluctantly stirred from your comfortable cocoon of sheets, slowly retrieving your heavy arm and allowing your gaze to settle upon the glaring radiance of the screen. Squinting against the blinding light, you patiently waited for your eyes to adjust before delving into the contents displayed before you.


❗you have messages from VANESSA



hey get up you need to work with moon

dude get up moon is becoming unstable
with staff

What do you mean he's becoming

What's going on?

we tried to introduce someone else to help
out during the day incase you couldnt
come or worse

he uh...

he is becoming more violent and we cant
have that if hes going to be taking over the
daycare for the next few days

or even weeks

please come over im worried he might
hurt someone and i cant shock him without
drawing too much attention to myself

moon makes too much noise when i shock him

Alright, I'll come over in a few min. Gimmie a sec to get ready.

You slowly rose from your comfortable bed, stretching your limbs and relishing the soothing sensation. The soft touch of the cozy bedsheets clung to your skin, tempting you to stay just a little longer.

You tiredly made your way to the dresser, where a collection of carefully chosen items awaited you. The reflection in the mirror revealed an expression of quiet determination, as you mentally prepared yourself for the day ahead.

Shining Midnight Skies [Moon x Gender Neutral Reader]Where stories live. Discover now