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I'm just pacing my room up and down, Luciano just watches as I do so. I sigh and finally say something, "well, you've met her now." I look up at him.
"yeah but I didn't want to meet her like... THAT." his eyes go wide but I could tell he wanted to laugh. "What was your first impression...?" I ask him. "She's a horny person!?" He pauses and I give him a serious glare "sorry, okay. She seems nice and well, looks like she makes you happy. You two need to work out what is is between you both first though." He nods. I smile, "you're not like I don't know...mad?" I ask. "No. Of course not." He hugs me from the side, "I just want you to be happy, Evi."

I stand up, "why did I let her just go!? I'm stupid!" I shake my head.
"You're not stupid. She chose to go, remember?" He tries to reassure me.
"No buts." He smiles. "You should get an early night, and go talk to her tomorrow." He suggests.
"You're right,thank you." I kiss his head and climb into bed. "Love you, Evi." He smiles and closes the door.

I wake up in the morning and certainly feel a different way... im already thinking about rhea and im.. horny? The effect that woman can have on someone is out of this world. I jump out of bed and get ready for the day, i needed to see her, to feel her hands on me again, hear her seducing sweet voice.

As i get to the flower shop, shes already there, already waiting for me. She stands up and walks up to me, "well hello, beautiful." She smiles and my stomach turns upside down. "H-hey." I didnt mean to stutter, what an idiot i must seem like. "You and your brother okay?" She asks and i nod. "So he would have no problem with me doing this..." she places a hand on my cheek, and a hand on my waist and leans in closer. She pauses, taking a moment to look into my eyes, almost looking for permission to kiss me. I look down at her lips as to give her a go ahead and she finally places her lips on mine. My body shivered, it was passionate and just perfect. She pulls away slowly and laughs a little, "you okay there, love?" She asks, im beetroot red and i nod slowly. She takes my hand and sits me down, passing me some water. I take a few sips. "I think- i think i like you. Like a lot." I stutter out. "Well i'd hope!" She laughs and then pausing, "i think i like you too, a lot." I smile at her words.

She walks towards the door, "i have got to get to the gym but, i will text you later." She blushes a little and leaves.

God she was perfect.

Later im laying bed, about to fall asleep and my phone pings. It's her.

'Goodnight, love. Sorry, i didn't text sooner. You're a great kisser btw.'

I smile at the text, 'goodnight, so are you.'

She likes the message and i switch my phone off. Closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep, doing the exact thing as before, thinking of her.

A/n: sorry i have not been updating, i left a reason why in the authors note of the most recent chapter of my other story. I hope you are all taking care of yourselves. Eat, sleep,drink, and most importantly DONT DIE.

Love yousss

Mami's Miracle- Rhea Ripley x OCWhere stories live. Discover now