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I stand still and just stare before realising its raining and she's getting soaked. "Shit, yeah...uhhh come in." I move out of the doorway and she walks in.

"I'm sorry for just turning up like this but-" I put my finger on her lips. "Before you say anything, go upstairs. My brother is here." I whisper and move my finger from her lips.

She creeps upstairs, "Hey! Luci, I'm just gonna take a shower!" I shout. "Now!?" He shouts back in confusion. "Yeah!" I sigh. "Alright!"

I creep upstairs too and lock my bedroom door behind me. I sit beside Rhea on my bed. "You may continue now" I giggle.

"Right, yes. I'm sorry for just turning up like this but... I can't stop thinking about you, Evelina." I blush as she says these words, "I don't know why but you're just always there, on my mind." She sighs. "You're always on mine too." I smile. "Really?" She asks. "Yes. I mean...you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." I chuckle a bit. "You know, when you put your finger on my lips..." she pauses. "That was... so hot." I blush very hard from embarrassment. "Really, made me...feel something." She looks into my eyes. "Oh...yeah?" I gulp as I respond." She takes my hand, "sei davvero mozzafiato , principessa." She whispers, now with a different tone of voice. "I- I don't know what to say." I stutter. "You're much more confident over text, aren't you?" She chuckles. "Mhm" that was all I could manage to get out.

Her face inches closer to mine, her eyes locked on mine. Our lips were just centimetres apart, we were about to kiss but then...

The door slams open. "AAA" He covers his eyes. "SORRY, SORRY, IM SO SORRY, SHIT, EW EW EW." Luciano sounds traumatised. "WE WASN'T EVEN DOING ANYTHING." I gasp. "YEAH BUT- EW." He screams. "Hey, Luciano. I'm Rhea." She holds out her hand. He slowly moves his hands away from his face, "Rhea?" He sounds confused. "That's right." She smiles. "I've heard...alot about you. Nice to meet you." He shakes her hand. She turns back and smiles at me knowing that I clearly speak about her alot. "Nice to meet you too."

"Evi, I'm going to go, Tesoro." She says to me, "think you two need to talk." She chuckles. "I'll call you later." I shout as she walks downstairs and let's herself out. Luci just stares at me.

A/N: hey guys! Sorry for not updating. I've been really busy with school and mental health, things like that. I hope you are all doing well and remember to stay safe. Eat, sleep, drink and most importantly DON'T DIE.

I love yous <3

Mami's Miracle- Rhea Ripley x OCNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ