"Are you listening?" she whispers.

Oh great. Already fucking up, Zachary. I say what I want to say anyway.

"El, we're not getting a fucking divorce." That was true. "I just have a lot going on, okay? I don't feel like what happened is a big deal. Alright?" That was false.

She stares long and hard at my stone cold face. She gives me a weak smile to let me know she believes me. She fucking doesn't.

She thinks I want to divorce her. She thinks she's a liability. She thinks I don't want her.

Yet I don't blame her. These are all things I've said before. I accidentally told her to go get raped by her cousin, once.

I had an idea of what "he touched me" meant, but Nora was so innocent I thought she could've been hit and was saying she was "touched." Rape was the last thing I even wanted my brain to think.

But I knew eventually. Made me want to kill him. So I did. I'll never forget the horrified look on her face when she saw him crossed off in her family's files.

She nods. "Okay," she sighs before looking around the room. "Do you wanna...um...sex? Movie? Nap?"

I snort and cup her face in my hands. "Do I want to sex? I don't think your grammer is quite correct, Nora, baby."

I think one of her eyes twitch. "I'm trying to make you less upset with me."

"I'm not upset with you. And don't you ever think the only way to make me feel better is by giving me your body."

She smiles weakly and more tears well in her eyes.

My heart squeezes and I flinch. I'm sorry, baby.

She opens her mouth but quickly closes it again before speaking. "I'll see you later. Get back to work, okay?"

I nod and stand up. "I love you."

She nods and throws her self back on the bed. I don't even try to get her to say it back.

I walk downstairs. "Tell Ximena to be outside her house in ten minutes."

Dante gives me a thumbs up and takes out his phone.


Ximena walks up to the car in stilettos, one foot in front of the other in a "Yes, I've walked for Vogue" kind of way.

My eyes narrow at her open white cropped button-up that showcases her navy blue navy corset tube top. She has the audacity to wear a denim mini skirt with this.

She knows she's pretty. Good, because I don't plan on telling her.

Has she seen Nora? Nora is beautiful. I'll show her when she gets in.

She steps into the car and carefully sits, making sure not to flash me.

"H—" I begin. But she catches me off guard by putting her hand up, silencing me.

She catches me so off guard, I actually silence myself. My lips part in astonishment. What the fuck?

"First of all," I try.

"I don't care," she huffs over me before I can finish my sentence. "I didn't like the way you ignored my question about Eleonora. Apologize."

I sit up straighter and turn to her, attempting to tower over her, but we were the same height with her heels and incredibly straight back.

I lift my elbow onto my seat. "And I didn't like the way you called me a pussy. Apologize."

She turns to me and also lifts her elbow. "I called you a pussy because you acted like one. Fucking apologize or I call her and walk away. It's clear you were too much of a coward to tell her about this."

My blood was bursting with anger. "Blackmailing me?" Threaten her back. "What if I tell your fiancé?"

She smiles. She fucking smiles. She puts her long acrylic nail on my nose. I assume to intimidate me.

"My fiancé knows." She sits even straighter. "In fact, he fucked me just before this. I needed to have the taste of him left on my tongue to make remember whose I was at the end of the day."

What the fuck? I wasn't winning this. I sat straight and put the car in drive. I started going 86 miles before she could even put her seatbelt on.

She smiles and puts her feet up on my dashboard, her three-inch heels on my window. My eye twitches a little.

She opens her window and pulls her phone out. She begins taking photos of herself with the wind blowing her hair and her tongue out.

I swerve and she drops her phone. She gasps, "you bitch! We'll look like nothing more than bickering fucking cousins if you keep fucking with me."

I simply laugh. This is for Nora.


[ A/N ] : Guys I'm just gonna post chaps when I finish them. Don't expect them all the time, okay? I can't let the pressure get to me again like it did last time. Hope you understand! (Word count: 1.3k)

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