the next day (Monday)

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 i wear my normal clothes (one of Matt's shirt and black jean) and eat a toast, put on my shoes, said i'm off! Michael said oh okay! Pandora. I tap my shoes and open the door, walk out for my house, close the door, down step to the gate, saw Matt wave, said mmm, open the gate, out for the gatedoor, close the gatedoor. Matt said morning, Pan. I smile and said good morning Matt, mm. He said what? I said i noted, your mask is wolf one, is just cute. He said oh god, Pan. I said sorry. He said it's alright, let's go we be late for school. I smile and said okay, let's go. He said mm, i'm hope my ex Sophia not stop us. I said me too. He said i almost forgot. I said mmm, what it is you almost forgot? Matt. He took out a necklace. I said huh? He said i buy it at the mall and keep look at it, we at the mall. I said how much it the necklace? Matt. He said don't worried about it, Pan. I said Mattheo. My eyes change to red. He said fine, $150,264.00 Japanese Yen ($150,264.00 Japanese Yen equals $1,000.00 United States Dollar). I said mmm. He put on the necklace around my neck and said don't worried about it, Pan. I said okay, next the one, don't do it. He said okay, Pan. I smile. We start to walk our school and held hands, talking. He said i mean it, Pan. I said i not believe that, my sister Lisa is date your brother Mark. He said me too, i not believe, i am date her sister. I said did you told her about it? He said yeah and Lisa scolded me. I sigh and said i'm glad she not live me. He said i see. We walk up the hill to the school. When we got at our school and walk inside, Matt's eyes went widden. I said what it is? Matt. He said them are my band members. I said oh, you did tell me that since i was at assassin school. He said yup. Eric saw him and said Matt? Kevin said mmm, Matt? James said Matt? Matt said oi and took my hand, walk to them. I said mmm. Eric said who this? Kevin said Cullen? James said mmm. Matt said yes, a Cullen, Kevin. I said mmm and walk behind matt. He said meet Pandora, my new girlfriend. I said hi. James said finish, i dislike her. Kevin said he mean Sophia. I said i see and walk out behind Matt, don't worried about her, what is your guys names? Eric said my name is Eric. Kevin said Levin. James said James. I said nice meet you guys, your guys know who i am. Kevin said are relative to Alex the DJ? I said yes, this my brother. James said is cool. I said oh, i almost forgot, i have a meeting to take, Matt. He said alright babe. I kiss him on the cheek and walk away. He said mmm. Eric said so, when did you two start to date? He said since last weeks. James said what? Kevin said you just translation here. He said i know Pandora a long time ago. Eric and James said what? He said yeah, she is my mom's cousin. Kevin said is weird, date your mother's cousin. james said how old is pandora? he said 17. eric said okay? back to me, I walk up the staircase and down teh hall, open the door inside the studnets council room, close the door. The president of the students council said ah, Pandora, have a seat. I said oh okay and walk to my seat, sit down. After the meeting, the president said pandora. I said yes, Mia? She said the girl, Maddy. I said what about her? She said Maddy say you take her boyfriend. I said actually, Matt is my boyfriend now and she use Matt for his money, cheating on him. She said i see. I said anythings else? She said no, thank you for tell me. I said you're welcome, Mia and walk to the door, open the door, saw matt. he said hey. I said hi and walk to him, hug him. He hug me back and said are you alright? My luna. I said mmm, your stupid ex Maddy. He said mmm. I said Maddy just tell our president about i take you away from her. He said mmm. I said i tell her about it. He said okay, after school, can i sleepover at your place. I said sure, anytime you need a break from your family and come over, my family don't mind at all. He said thank you, babe. I said you're welcome, my wolf. He said hey. I smile. He said mmm with a smile. We walk down the hall to our classroom, inside the classroom, to our desk, sit down, talking. I said mmm and put my head down on my desk. Matt play with my hair and said cute. I said mmm. He said mmm. Inside his mind, it said she is cute and is weird her is my mother's youngest cousin. I said mmm and poke him. He said mmm. I said i can read your mind, matt. He said i already know it, pan. (them are talk in Romanian and yes, them use live in Transylvania, Romania) I said mmm, te iubesc, matt (i love you, matt). He said mmm, si eu te iubesc, Pandora (i love you too, pandora). I said mmm. We talking in romanian. I said ce facem dacă fostul tău Maddy încearcă din nou să flirteze cu tine? (what we do if your ex Maddy try to flirt with you again?). He said Nu știu (i don't know). I said mmm. He said mmm. I put my head up and took out my book, start to read. After half of our classes is done, i was on the root with Matt. We sit down on ground cross the wall for the staircase. He was hug me behind and said mmm. I said what it is? Matt. He said princess. I said prince. He said luna. I said alpha. He said babe. I said love. He said baby girl. I said baby boy. He said angel. I said demon. He said fine, you won. I said mmm and turn around my head, kiss him on cheek, my alpha. He said my luna, mmm. I said what it is? He said gym. I said what about gym? He said mmm. I said oh, volleyball is today, sigh. He said yup, your team vs Maddy's team. I sigh and said you saw me play volleyball before, Matt. He said i know but you can hard play in volleyball. I said i know Matt and i'll kick her butt in volleyball. He said mmm, that's my girl that i know. I said s-shut up matt. He said oh, is my girl is blush. I said shut up, matt. He said fine, pan. I said mmm. The bells rang. He sigh and said next class. I said yup and stood up, pet my pant. He said mmm and stood up, walk to the door, open the door. We walk inside. He said hey Pan and close the door. I said mmm. He said before we go to class and pine me against the wall, kiss me on my lips. I said mmm. Inside my mind, it said finish, he kiss me. I put hand on his chest and push he back, said i can't breathe, Matt. He said i'm sorry, Pan. I said we can finish our kiss later at my house.  He said alright, pan. I smile. We walk down the staircase to our classroom. After classroom, i walk to the cullen locker and changed into my gym uniform. After it, i walk inside the gym and saw my team (Hina, Sadako, Sam, Cora, June, Skylar). Sam said oi Pan. I said hi sam and walk to them. The teacher said okay, class. We said mmm and listen to our teacher. The teacher said oh okay, we are play volleyball today, Pandora's team against Maddy's team. We said oh okay. The teacher said Pandora's team on the left side of the net and Maddy's team on the side of the net. We said okay. My team and i play volleyball on our freetime. I said ready?! My team said ready you go are! I said alright and set the ball. We start to play. After it, Maddy's team won and them are celebration. I said mmm. Hina said the next time, Pan. I said mmm. Matt walk to me and pet my head, said good job to try win, Pan. I said thank you, matt. He said you're welcome, pan and kiss my forehead, well, I'm play basketball with the team. I said oh okay, matt. He walk to the basketball court. I sigh and walk to my best friends Hina and Sadako, sit down next to Mina, put my arms on my knee. She said so. I said shut up, hina. Sadako said no way, you are date Matt. I said yes, i'm dating Matt. Hina said mmm. I put down my head into my arms and said mm, is weird, Matt is my cousin's son. Hina said okay. Sadako said about his parents? I said his mother don't mind at all and two days ago, his father just find out about is and i tell about Matt's exes, so now, his father don't mind at all. Them said oh. I said mmm and saw Matt play basketball, smile, turn around my head, saw maddy was mad. hina said mmm. our minds, hina said maddy 's matt's ex? pan. i said yup. sadako join the minds talk and said mm, so why maddy is mad. i said yup, she thought i take him away but matt tell me about what happend between them. hina said what happend? I said matt told me, maddy and sophia use matt for his money and both cheating on him. sadako said what the? hina said so, why you ask about them. i said up, since you are  the daughter of a police/dectective who is work under my father. She said is true, Pan. I said mm, i love Matt so much. Them said we know, pan. I said mmm and took my water bottle, drink it. Than, Matt was done play basketball and walk to me, sit down next to me, said hey Pan. I said hi Matt and handed him, my water bottle. He said thank you, babe. I said you're welcome, Matt. Hina said hey Matt. He said oi. She said your parents are okay with you date Pandora? He said yeah, my mom don't mind and now, my dad don't mind. He said i see, hey Sadako. She said oi. He said are you date Max? She said yes, how you know? He said Pan was talk to Hina about him. I said did you evaesdrop on me? Again. He said sorry, Pan. i said it's alright, matt. he said cute. i said shut up, matt and you known me long time.  He said i know, Pan. I said mmm. He said mmm. After gym class, i was into the Cullen locker and sit down on the bench, on my phone, text my sisters Akane and Chiaki in Shibuya clty and Roppongi in Minato, Tokyo in a group chat. 

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