Sasha's POV

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I watch the man fall to the ground. The bullet pierced his heart. Hailey shakes as she stares at what she had done. "Hailey," I walk towards her. She turns to face me, her eyes are blood shot and I just know.

I anticipate her action, I know what she's planning before she even raises the gun to her head. Acting quickly I tackle her and we fight for the weapon. "Let me be with him," she screamed at me, "I saved you!"

"And I'm saving you!" I cry, prying the gun away from her.

Her sobs break my heart as I watch my best friend fall further apart. She crawls towards her captor's body, clinging and sobbing. I can't pull my eyes away. I can't bring myself to say anything.

The police arrive shortly after to find the horror scene that had fallen. They rushed in, guns aimed only to find a gun had already taken two lives. Jimmy's dead body lay bleeding on the floor as Hailey remained sprawled on top of that monster's corpse.

It took two officers to pull her away and load her into the ambulance. She put up a good fight as her screams echoed down the neighborhood until they had no choice but to sedate her. Before she fell asleep, she kept crying for her daddy.

I watched them zip Jimmy in a body bag and I gave into my guilt. I should have never got him involved. I should have listened to him and just called the police. I should have smashed Hailey's stupid laptop into a million pieces. None of this would have happened.

The police escort me outside, wrapping a warm blanket around my blood stained clothes. "Can you tell us everything that happened?"

Empty, I nodded, swallowing the bile rising in my throat before speaking.

"My friend, Jimmy, died trying to help me save another friend who had already died months ago."

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