CH 16

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"Should we go back to the alcohol ice cream place?" Brock asked the group. Quinn groaned and Cecily laughed.

"I think we shouldn't. Getting drunk is not on my agenda tonight." Quinn said with a laugh. Everyone in the car, other than Mitch and Auston laughed. Cecily noticed the couple sitting there, listening to the conversation they didn't seem to be apart of.

"One time we went to get ice cream and Brock convinced Quinn to get one with alcohol in it and he got so drunk off of it. He slept on my couch that day because he couldn't get home." Cecily explained. Mitch laughed while thinking about something different.

"Something like that happened to William Nylander once. He thought he got a drink without alcohol but it was literally the most alcoholic drink on the menu. He was wasted that night and so hungover at the game the next day." Mitch laughs at the story. His smile never wipes off his face even when he's done talking.

Auston is clearly uncomfortable with all the happiness the fellow player brings his boyfriend. Cecily wants to whisper to him, don't be jealous, but she can't. She settled on messaging him instead. Auston eyes her after he reads the message. He shakes his head and Cecily rolls her eyes.

Suddenly the car stops, they made it to an ice cream shop. They group sat in the car for a second as they talked. Cecily was the first to open the door to the car. Everyone followed suit after she got out.

Quinn's hand snakes around her waist as he stands next to her. Cecily smiles at him as he begins to speak.

"What flavor are you getting?" Quinn asks with a smile. Cecily hums.

"I don't know. What are you getting?" Cecily asks her boyfriend.

"Probably chocolate. It's my favorite when I don't feel like getting anything fancy." Quinn explains. Cecily nods.

"I'm getting strawberry." Cecily concludes. Quinn squeezes her hip.

"I'm buying." Quinn says as he walks to the register with his girlfriend by his side. Cecily groans and shakes her head.

"You always pay. Let me." Cecily complains. Quinn laughs fakely as he pulls out his debt card. Mitch and Austson finish getting their ice cream and Quinn and Cecily are next in line. Quinn orders for them as Cecily stands by his side. Quinn hands the cashier his card and Cecily sighs.

"I'll pay next. It's not fair that you pay all the time." Cecily says when their done paying and getting their ice cream. Quinn shakes his head.

"No, you won't. I have lots of money and I'd love to spend it all on you." Quinn says with a smile. Cecily rolls her eyes, but yet she's in a good mood.

"Just let me pay once in a while." Cecily says as she sits down at a table with the rest of the hockey players. Quinn finally gives into her request.

"How about, I make the plans, I pay, you make the plans, you pay?" Quinn asks. He just then decided anything Cecily wants to do, he would plan for her. Cecily nods, not knowing he wouldn't let her plan anything.

"That's fair." Cecily says as she turns her attention to the second conversation at the table. Mitch was talking about his dog with Brock and Auston.

"Oh yeah, Zeus loves everyone. He's like best friends with Auston, though. Makes me feel like he loves him more than me." Mitch laughs. His dog was a chocolate lab named Zeus, who apparently loves everyone and everything, but what he loves the most is Auston. It's like the dog knows how much Mitch loves Auston, so he feels he should too.

"You brought your dog to the rink, right?" Cecily asks.


"Good morning, Angel." A voice spoke from beside Cecily. She opened her eyes and saw Quinn laying next to her on her bed.

"Good morning, Quinny. How long have you been awake?" Cecily asked her boyfriend.

"Maybe 10 minutes, not too long." Quinn responds. Cecily hums and closes her eyes again. She was still tired and the warmth of Quinn's body pressed against hers was enough for her to want to fall asleep again.

"No, don't go back to sleep. There's a game today and I want you to be there, in my jersey." Quinn said with a smile. Quinn could feel her smile against his chest. Suddenly, Cecily's hand moves back and forth on Quinn's back. The calming feeling of the back rub made Quinn almost slip into sleep, instead he forced himself to keep his eyes open and keep talking.

"Let's go to breakfast, Cec. We can start the day on a good note and then end the day with a win." Quinn proposes. Cecily groans as she rolls away from him. Quinn frowns even though his girlfriend can't see it.

"Please, Cecily. I want to spend the small amount of free time I have with you. I want to make you happy." Quinn said as he sits up against the headboard next to her. He takes his hand and brushes it through Cecily's hair.

"I'm tired, though." Cecily complains. Quinn sighs, thinking his argument is hopeless.

"Please, Cecily. It's our last home game before we go on the road." Quinn begs again. Cecily sighs and sits up, revealing her small frame that's swallowed by Quinn's t-shirt. Her tired eyes find her boyfriend's.

"Fine, but no where fancy. I don't feel like getting ready." Cecily said as she pulled herself out of bed and into the bathroom connected to the bedroom.

"Thank you, my love. You can just pull on a sweatshirt and we can leave." Quinn said with a smile, his mood changing a whole 180. His smile never left as he went to go brush his teeth with Cecily.


"I love this place." Cecily said with a smile as her and Quinn walk out of the restaurant.

"So, it was worth getting up for?" Quinn asked with a goofy smile. Cecily rolls her eyes, her smile never fading.

"Yes, it was worth getting up for." Cecily admits. Quinn quietly cheers and some people that are close by give him odd looks.

"Let's go back home. I think we should take a quick snooze and then you can leave for practice this afternoon." Cecily suggests. Quinn hums at the offers.

"I think that's an amazing idea." Quinn says with a smile.


The two make it back to Quinn's apartment, which could now be called Quinn and Cecily's apartment because she barely sleeps at her own apartment. Cecily was the first person to crash onto the bed, still in her pajamas from the morning. Not to long after, Quinn lays down next to her, wrapping his arms around her to get ready for a small nap.

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