CH 7

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Cecily ran through her apartment to find her ringing phone. She opened the door to her bedroom and grabbed her phone off her desk. Kayla was FaceTiming her. It's been a while since the two have talked and it's most Cecily's fault. Work has taken up all of her time lately and if she's not working she's sleeping or eating. She quickly answers the phone.

"Hey Cec!" Kayla says with a smile. Cecily smiles back.

"Hey Kay." Cecily says.

"How have you been? Oh! I also heard you give that interview to Matthews and Hughes. You're a natural." Kayla asks.

"I've been great, and those interviews were actually my first ones ever. Auston said it was a good interview, but that could have been because I apologized for basic questions and for stuttering over a few words." Cecily paused.

"Auston also followed me on instagram. We've been talking too." Kayla gasped.

"Going for people on the other team now are we? You little rebel." Kayla giggled. Cecily shook her head.

"It's just a nice conversation. I'm not trying to date him. I don't even like him like that." Cecily said. Cecily sat down at her desk and propped her phone up against the desk lamp. She then opened her computer and started editing photos from the recent games.

"Just a nice conversation.. sure. But if you do ever want to date him, he's two years older than you. Nothing crazy, which is a good thing." Kayla said. Cecily was shocked. She actually googled their age difference. She's insane sometimes.

"But if you don't like him, what about Quinn? I saw the way he was looking at you during the interview." Cecily paused and looked at her phone.

"What do you mean you 'saw the way Quinn was looking at me'?" Cecily asked. Kayla thought for a moment before answering.

"You know how boys look at girls when they're in love in movies? That's how Quinn was looking at you. His eyes were sparkling, trust me." Kayla said. Cecily looked back to her photos and of course the one she was editing at the moment was Quinn. She just looked at the photo.

"He looked at me like he was in love with me?" Cecily didn't believe it one bit. Sure Quinn wanted to kiss her, but he was drunk off of ice cream.

"Enough about me, how are things with you?" Cecily asked Kayla.

"Besides the fact that you aren't here, everything's amazing. I met a guy, his name's Owen."

"Kayla that's amazing! Tell me all about him." Kayla then started talking for the next ten minutes. She really liked this guy, but she didn't know if she was picking up the wrong hints. The two agreed that Kayla was going to ask him out and see if he actually does like her. Cecily hoped he did. Kayla needed a best friend that was going to be there for her no matter what. Not someone who was hours away working so much they barely have time to call. The two said their goodbyes and Cecily sighed. She really missed Kayla. But as if it was to distract her of her sadness, she gets a notification from instagram.

(Auston Matthews) has sent you a message!

Auston Matthews

Hey Cecily :)

Hey Auston :)

Are you doing anything today?

Other than editing I don't think so

Do you want to go out to dinner?

If I could make it to Toronto in time I would
But I can't

I'm in Vancouver.


I wouldn't lie about getting to see you would I?

I mean...


No you wouldn't
And yes I'll go to dinner with you

I'll pick you up at 7 if you send me your address.

(an address)

I'll see you soon Cecily.

Bye Auston

She was definitely going to get called in by Victoria for this. But she can worry about that later. Now she needs to worry about what she is going to wear.

About an hour later it was 5:30 so Cecily started to get ready. She took off her current makeup and showered, then she dried off and put on her clothes. Cecily chose a light blue v-necked top and a white skirt. For shoes she put on a white pair of flats. She didn't know if this was anything fancy, or if it was just casual so she decided on the best of both worlds. Then she started on her makeup. She didn't make it full glam, but you could tell she was wearing some. Then it was about 6:45. She put on some perfume and deodorant and looked in the mirror. She looked amazing. There was a knock on the door and her nerves kicked in. She hurried and looked through the peephole. Brock and Quinn? She opened the door with a confused look.

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked.

"We were bored and decided to hang out." Brock said as he pushed his way into her apartment. Quinn followed after him.

"I can't hang out today." She said closing the door. The boys took a seat on her couch.

"Why not?" Quinn asked. There was a knock on the door. Cecily opened the door and standing there was a smiling Auston Matthews. The Canuck boy's eyes widened.

"That's why. So if you guys want to stay you can, but I'm going out. Bye!" She hurriedly walked out the door after catching a glimpse of Quinn's face. He looked so hurt. It instantly ruined her mood too.

"I'm sorry about them. They invited themselves over." She said to Auston. He smiled at her.

"It's cool. I can't say I haven't done that to my friends either." The two quietly laughed as they made their way to the elevator. Auston was wearing black dress pants and a black button up. He was also wearing a chain and nice earrings. They looked like total opposites.

"You look amazing by the way." Auston said, stepping into the elevator. Cecily smiled and looked down.

"Thank you. You don't look half bad yourself." She said back. The elevator was now on the ground floor and they walked out. As they made their way outside the cold hit Cecily. She lives in Canada. Why didn't she bring a jacket? She held herself as they started their walk to Auston's car. He noticed her shivering and loosely draped an arm around her shoulder. Cecily's cheeks began to warm up as they made it to his car. He opened the door for her and she thanked him as she got into the passenger seat. He walked around the car and got into the driver's seat. Before buckling in he reached into the backseat and grabbed a black jacket.

"Here. You can have this." He said as he handed the jacket to Cecily.

"Blacks really your color huh?" She said as he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, let's go eat shall we?" He says as he turns the car on.

"We shall."


Cecily just walked out of her apartment with Auston Matthews on the other side of the wall. What was he doing here?

"What the hell?" Brock said. Quinn was feeling the exact same way. He knew Cecily didn't like him, but she definitely knew he liked her. Maybe that was why she didn't tell anyone she was going out with Auston.

"Did he fly all the way out here just to go out with her?" Quinn asked Brock. Brock shrugged.

"I don't know. She hasn't mentioned that they even knew each other to me." Brock said to Quinn. Quinn ran a hand through his hair.

"Me neither."

okay yeah, Quinn's going to have some competition. There's just too many books with Auston as the bad guy so I wanted to do him some justice. Spoiler but not really, the main lover in the end of the book is not going to be Auston. Well duh, you guys are reading for Quinn.

Pose | Q. HughesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ