CH 15

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"Oh my god, Kayla. He said it back! I didn't even think he heard me!" Cecily yelled at the phone resting agains the wall. Kayla, on the other side of the screen, rolled her eyes.

"It's about time you even said something. I don't know how much longer I could have gone with you non-stop blabbering about him." Kayla joked. Cecily let out a sarcastic laugh.

"What about you? Don't you have a thing for that Mattison guy you keep talking about?" Cecily changed the subject to her friend's current favorite subject.

"Oh my gosh, he's amazing. We went out on a date the other day. He took me to a Jordan Davis concert and I freaked out. I swear he knows me too well." Kayla said with a big smile. Cecily smiled a sad smile.

"I miss you, Kayla." Cecily said with a frown. She missed her best friend so much, she truely did.

"Oh Cec, I promise we can see each other again soon." Kayla said with a sad smile. There was a knock on Cecily's door. Cecily groaned as she got up from her chair and made her way to the door. Kayla stayed on the phone to see who was at the door. Cecily opened the door to reveal Quinn... and Brock.

"Cecily-wessely!" Brock yelled as he launched himself at the girl. Cecily accepted the tight hug and Kayla laughed at the other end of the line. The boys instantly looked confused. They looked around the house for someone else other than Cecily. Cecily held up her phone and showed it to the boys, laughing.

"Hi, I'm Cecily's best friend, Kayla." Kayla said with a false smile. She was putting up an act to intimidate Brock... it didn't work.

"Well, I'm Brock. Her bestest best friend." Cecily rolled her eyes at the two. They kept arguing, so Cecily just handed the phone to Brock and pushed him towards the couch. She made her way over to Quinn after.

"Hey, Quinn." Cecily smiled as she walked near her boyfriend. He smiled back and wrapped his arms around her.

"Hey, pretty girl." Quinn said as he pulled away from her. Cecily blushed at the name.

"We play in Chicago soon... and Auston is in town." Cecily's eyes lit up.

"I can see Simon soon!" She yells. Kayla and Brock both stop arguing when they hear their friend yelling. Kayla starts to yell also.

"You get to see Simon soon?! What about me?" Kayla yells with a fake tone of sadness in her voice. Cecily snatches her phone back from Brock.

"Unless you and Mattison want to come down to Chicago, you'll have to wait your turn." Cecily said with a smirk.

"Speaking of Matti, I need to go. We're going out tonight and I need to get ready." Kayla said with a smile.

"Okay, I guess I'll let you go." Cecily said with a giggle. Kayla smiled.

"I'll call you after. Bye." Kayla said as she clicked the hang up button. Cecily said as she put the phone in her pocket.

"Anyways, that's Kayla." Cecily said as she turned to the boys. Brock didn't have a care in the world and Quinn was just watching Cecily.

"What are you guys doing here?" Cecily asked. Brock shrugged.

"Bored and Quinn wouldn't shut up about you." Brock said as Quinn blushed. Cecily smiled at him with love-filled eyes.

"Okay stop the in-love eyes you guys are making at each other. It's gross." Brock said with the shake of his head.

"You were the one who brought him over here. It's basically your fault. Cecily says with a shrug. Brock rolls his eyes.

"Anyways, I was thinking, we go get ice cream and go see Matthews." Quinn says with a smile. Cecily nods and grabs her coat off of a rack by the door. Brock sighs as he walks behind the two, out to the car.

"What's so special about Matthews anyways?" Brock says.

"Well, he's an idiot and he reminds me of my brother. They're both oblivious to the world around them and they both want to best for the people they care about." Cecily says as she gets into the car. Brock gets into the passenger seat and Quinn into the drivers seat.


matty get ready to leave
me and the boys are taking you to get
ice cream

the boys?

quinn and brock duh

ugh i have to fourth-wheel

it's okay matty
you'll realize that you're
in love with mitch soon enough

okay be quiet.

be there in 5 min

Cecily laughed as she texted her friend. Quinn glanced at her through the rearview mirror and Brock just turned his head to look at her.

"What's so funny?" Brock asks. Cecily shakes her head.

"Austson's complaining about fourth-wheeling, but when I had to hang out with him and Mitch I was literally third-wheeling the entire time. It was just funny to me." Cecily said with a smile.

"Auston's gay?" Brock asks. Cecily's eyes widened.

"Don't tell anybody I said that. He's in he denial stage right now, but he knows he's in love with Mitch and Mitch is in love with him." Cecilly says. Brock just nods.

"So, even if you did like Matthews that one time you couldn't get him anyways." Brock laughed. Cecily shrugged.

"Some people make better friends anyways and like I said, he reminds me of my brother." Cecily says.

Soon enough the trio pulls in to the hotel parking lot, waiting for Auston to walk out of the sliding doors to get into the car. Then he texts Cecily.


can i bring mitch?
we were supposed to go to
dinner today.

if you already have plans
just cancel with me

mitch says i should go with you
since he sees me everyday and you

bring him with

thank you, cec

"Marner's coming with. He and Auston already had plans, but Mitch said Auston should just go with us, but he felt bad for canceling on Mitch so I told him to bring him with." Cecily said with a smile.

"Just no one be awkward. Forget everything I've said about them." Cecily says as the door to the car opens.

"Forget everything about who?" Auston asks as he climbs into the car, Mitch following behind him. Brock and Quinn glance at each other.

"About Kayla and Mattison. They might be coming to the Chicago game and I need Brock and Quinn to act like they don't know everything Kayla has said to me about him." Cecily saves the original three. Quinn pulls out of the parking lot.

"Hey Mitchy." Cecily grins.

"Hey Cessy (Sess-E)." Mitch grins back, leaning so he can see Cecily on the other side of Auston. Then she sees it. Mitch and Auston's intertwined hands. They tried to hide them by pushing their hands between their legs, but it didn't work. Quinn and Brock wouldn't see it, but Cecily did.

Cecily smirks as she points at the two's hands. Mitch's eyes widen as he looks up at Auston, afraid of what could happen if someone knew. Auston already trusted Cecily, so he just nodded with a smile.

"She won't tell anyone. You can trust her." Auston whispers to Mitch. The fear shown on his face seems to decrease as Auston reasures him. Mitch just smiles softly at Cecily.

"It's okay, Mitch. I already knew Auston was practically in love with you when we met." Cecily winks at Mitch as Auston's face turns a deep shade of red. Cecily and Mitch laugh as the tension in the car decreases.

A/N: just to clear something up, Cecily joked about Auston being in love with Mitch in text because she didn't know they were actually dating until the thing in the car. She did know that Auston liked Mitch though.

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