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The car's headlights cut through the darkness as Ayaan and his father, Prakash, made their way home after wrapping up their office work.

The rain beat against the car's windows, creating a rhythmic backdrop to their journey. Prakash, sitting in the front seat, glanced toward the bus stand and noticed the solitary figure of Naina.

"Ayaan, that Naina at the bus stand? Let's give her a ride. It's pouring, and it's late."

Ayaan, initially reluctant, hesitated.

"Dad, she might not want our help. It's a bit intrusive." Ayaan didn't want any kind of moment with her he is already affected by her thoughts now he doesn't want any more encounters with her.

"Come on, Ayaan. It's pouring out there. We can't just leave her alone. Stop the car."

Ayaan, yielding to his father's insistence, pulled the car to a stop. As they approached the bus stand, Prakash saw Naina stepping back hesitantly.

"Just honk. Let her know it's us."

Ayaan honked, but Naina, startled and apprehensive, continued to back away.

"Roll down the window, Ayaan. Let's assure her we mean no harm."

Prakash, determined to reassure her, instructed Ayaan to roll down the window.

Startled by the sudden movement, Naina, fearing the worst, acted on instinct.

Without hesitation, she sprayed pepper spray in the direction of the open window.

As the mist settled, Ayaan winced, his eyes stinging from the unexpected spray.

Naina's eyes snapped open at the sound of painful screams, and her heart raced as she realized it was Ayaan in agony. Shocked, she saw him writhing in pain and couldn't fathom what had happened.


Prakash and Naina, equally taken aback, shared a moment of disbelief. Ayaan's screams pierced through the tension, and Naina, realizing her mistake, swiftly threw the pepper spray aside.

Rushing towards Ayaan, she desperately tried to help by rubbing his eyes, but it only seemed to intensify the burning sensation.

Ayaan, overwhelmed by the pain, pushed Naina away. She stumbled back, panic etched on her face, and began chanting apologies.

"Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to. I thought..."

Ayaan, clutching his eyes, gestured for her to stop. With a wince, he took out a napkin, attempting to clean his eyes. He winced in pain, cautioning Naina to stop, realizing that any further attempt might exacerbate the burning sensation.

"Stop it! It'll burn more if you continue."

The situation hung heavy with regret, and Naina, still apologizing.

Prakash, recovering from the shock of the situation, stepped out of the car, and Naina, finally recognizing him, greeted him with a mix of surprise and embarrassment.

"Uncle! I'm so sorry. I didn't realize it was you."

Prakash, offering a reassuring smile, acknowledged her apology with a nod. After a moment of contemplation, he took the wheel, deciding to drive instead.

"Let me take over. Ayaan, you sit at the back with Naina."

Ayaan, still nursing the discomfort in his eyes, moved to the back seat, and Naina joined him. She continued to help him, offering reassurances and apologies.

"I can't believe I did that. I'm really sorry."

"you should be."

Prakash fake coughed to let Ayaan know that he is talking out of lines so he shut his mouth indirectly.

His Sunshine, His Midnight Rain (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now