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[Daniel's POV]

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[Daniel's POV]

I could feel everyone's eyes on me as i walked to class, all whispering - all about Sebastian. Or maybe they were calling me a coward? Saw i was shaking like a leaf? I had always tried to keep to myself, i couldn't anymore, their pitiful eyes following me wherever i go.

I quickly entered my classroom and sat in my usual seat, placing my bag on the floor. The teacher began to walk over "Daniel. If anything gets too much-" I interrupted her "I'm fine." I wasn't really. My brother was being sent to his death because he was saving my ass and i can do nothing about it. Nothing.

The people next to me shuffled away slightly. Did they think i was unstable? I'm perfectly stable. I just want my brother back. The lesson felt like hours as i kept replaying that moment in my head "Daniel Fisher" Daphne repeated, over and over and over and- "Daniel!" My teacher shouted "Pay attention." She stated - earning a couple laughs from Tyler and his friends.

Class had finally ended and i picked up my bag - Sebastian had bought it for me, he didn't want me to have to use his old one. He wanted me to feel like something belonged to me. I shook away the memories as i left the classroom "Fisher!" I heart Tyler's scratchy voice "Fisher." He teased, as he shoved me in the back slightly. Causing me to turn and face him. He smirked slightly "What were you ignoring me for Danny?" Only Seb called me that "Don't call me that." I spat out - my arms crossed infront of me "What you going to do? Sebastian isn't here to protect you - make one wrong move and you're dead... Just. Like. Him."

I saw red. My fist flung at his face as he stumbled backwards, he grabbed my shoulders dragging us both down to the floor, a crowd had formed by now "Take it back!" I yelled as i held him down and repeatedly punched his face. Then he found the strength to flip us, causing him to now start punching my face, causing my nose to drip red as he punched me, over and over. Until i bring my knee up to his stomach which caused him to be vulnerable for a moment so i could get the upper hand once again. I could hear people chanting as i knelt on his delivering hard blows to his face.

I was suddenly dragged off of Tyler. I looked back to see a teacher. I shook them off of me and ran. I ran out of the doors and didn't stop, i ran past house after house until i reached a small wooded area. Proceeding to punch the tree, it didn't do anything. But i wasn't going to punch a bush.

I spent around an hour with my own thoughts until i heard a twig snap behind me. My head whipped around to see Molly Fry. I had a thing for her last year - until she humiliated me. I haven't thought about her since, well, that's a lie.

"What?" I flatly said. She walked a bit closer - foldimg her arms over her chest "Quite the scene you made." I scoffed. Her tone rubbed me the wrong way "So why are you here?" I questioned, was she going to insult me - or maybe insult me again? Only time will tell "I'm sorry Daniel, about your brother... And what i did." There we go.

"It's fine. I don't care." I do. I wish he didn't volunteer - he shouldn't have. I'm nothing to my family, i have no friends, the only person that would care is Seb - and he's gone. He might not come back, and it's my fault. It's all my fault.

"Dan.." She placed a hand on my shoulder, I pushed her away "Don't touch me!" Don't pretend to care.

The weight of guilt and responsibility for my brother's predicament consumed me, amplifying the isolation I felt. In this moment, nothing mattered except the haunting uncertainty of Sebastian's fate. I couldn't bring myself to care about Molly's emotions, a moment of selfishness from me. Juxtaposing my brothers sacrifice. I hit my head on a tree. Why couldn't i shake this? Why did he occupy my every thought? Why? Why? Why..?

Suddenly i felt someone grip my shoulders and turn me round. Molly. I looked into her eyes as she spoke "Don't beat yourself up about it. He volunteered for you. He made that decision - you didn't ask him to do that." She was right, that didn't change anything though.

— — —


i'm still deciding on who i want to kill, but i wrote this chapter because i lowkey just want to give everyone some personality.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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