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After i had changed from my reaping outfit, i walked to the dining carriage

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After i had changed from my reaping outfit, i walked to the dining carriage. Sebastian was sat staring out the window "What's it with you and staring intensely out of windows?" I asked - immediate regret sank in as he continued to stare at the window "I don't have to look at Daphne." He stated with a nod. Right. Now Daphne wasn't the nicest, very snobby and couldn't hide her disgust. I decided to sit by Sebastian, he turned his head slightly "You scared?" His brows raised as he questioned, i look back at him "terrified."

Finnick soon entered with Annie close behind "Getting to know eachother?" Finnick smiled softly. I look over at Finnick then back at Sebastian who nodded at him. Finnick then sat opposite us "If you want to win. Trust eachother, but don't let it get down to the two of you. That will break a person, even the strongest.." His words wavered as his sentence ended.

A tense aura arose in the room "So how do i win?" Sebastian blurted out as he stared at Finnick "I have to get back...For my brother- my family, i am the oldest you know? The only one that can work." My heart clenched at his words. Finnick placed a hand on Sebastian's shoulder "One of you will come home, and you will tell eachother's story." We both nodded this time "Yeah but telling my story doesn't really stop my family from starving though?" Sebastian flatly stated. I sighed, this boy was a handful.

It was going to take around 2 days to get to the Capitol - that's what Annie and Finnick say. See i wouldn't usually take any advice or information from Finnick and Annie, but this was different. I was scared, and they're here.

Daphne mostly stayed in her quarters - pampering herself ot trying on expensive clothes and tossing them off, i only know this because whenever her door opens there are piles of shining clothes crimpled and creased on the floor. I don't believe that Daphne is a bad person, but i choose to avoid her - i'll partake in pleasantries, greeting her and inquiring about her day.

Sebastian on the other hand did not. She would walk over to say something and be met with a "mhm." or a "ok." Sebastian is going to have to be nicer if he wants sponsors, which at this point seems more hopeless for him than me. Another incident of Sebastian blowing off Daphne occured "You're going to have to be nice you know?" I glared at him - he just replied with a shrug "What? Are you going to blow me off too?" My voice raised slightly. He just chuckled "Calm down M."

In that moment i was transported back home. Back to Rory and River running around on the beach "I hate sand." I yelled as i took my shoes off and followed after them, standing on little pebbles that felt like knives against my foot, maybe i'd be experiencing one in the heart soon.

Their faces were filled with joy - i wish i could've had a photograph, that would be my token. That would be what keeps me sane - Finnick and Annie mean the world to me but Finnick changed after his games and that's not his fault! But sometimes when i felt alone and they had taken him  to fufil his 'duties' in the Capitol, Rory and River were there. They were always there.

On the final day of our lengthy train journey Finnick suggested we watched The Reapings to scout out the other tributes. Now since we are district four- we count as careers, so the odds are relatively in our favour. Now District 1 and 2's Reaping's were strange, instead of having your name pulled a mentor volunteers your name.

The first volunteer was the District 1 female, Glimmer. She looked capable, she had gorgeous blonde hair and a smile that would surely win over The Capitol.
District 1 boy was Marvel, he walked with a confidence similar to the one Sebastian had tried to mimicked during our reaping. His brown hair contrasted Glimmer's as they stood side by side, eyes full of pride as they looked out at their peers,

Clove. District two's female tribute, she smiled in a way that basically said "I'll hit you, stab you, wait for you to bleed out, then cook you but instead of eating you - i'll throw you in a puddle." Now that was just my interpretation. The District two boy caught my eye, Cato. He had dirty blonde hair and a muscular build. I hate him. He wore a smile similar to Clove's. I hate him. He looked presentable and even waved once he was reaped. I hate him.

I didn't pay attention to any of the other Districts except District 8 Ayra and Harvey. They looked strong - but something in their demeanour told me otherwise. I felt as though the Games had already broke them. Even before the horros begun. Maybe they would be a good alliance - or maybe they would be a good way to get murdered in my sleep. I wouldn't know until i speak to them.

Then there was District 12, the girl - Katniss was a volunteer. She looked scared but capable of ripping my face off. The boy on the other hand looked practically harmless, yellowy blonde hair and a soft face. Maybe they'd be down for an alliance too.

I looked at Sebastian and his reaction told me he wasn't feeling an alliance "What are your thoughts on an alliance with Eight and Twelve?" I nudged him slightly we hadn't really spoken sinceour squabble a couple days ago. He glared at me "You can, i'm not." I gave him a questioning look "And why's that?" He just rolled his eyes before he sighed "Because. All it takes is one disagreement and they'll kill us. I mean- come on. Use your head." He yelled stood up and stormed off to his room.



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