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Standing amongst the 17 year olds i was deep in thought, we had almost made it - most of us would never have to compete in The Games, we would never have to bare that pain

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Standing amongst the 17 year olds i was deep in thought, we had almost made it - most of us would never have to compete in The Games, we would never have to bare that pain. Finnick, maintained a confident stance, his smile echoing the bittersweet one he wore when revealing his return to the Capitol. His prostitution.

Annie, in stark contrast, stood withdrawn, her hands nervously fidgeting, seemingly detached from the anticipation radiating through the crowd of children awaiting the grim revelation of this year's tributes' fates.

As the haunting images of war flickered on the screen, I audibly yawned, drawing silent amusement from neighboring girls. My feet moved restlessly, a subconscious response to the grim narrative unfolding. Daphne, our escort, acknowledged the end of the footage with an excited declaration, "Oh, how I love that." She looked at the crowd in hee crazy looking blue dress. She grinned widely "As you know, it's that time again when we get to select one brave girl and boy to honour their District in the Hunger Games." Honour really? I scoffed silently at this statement "As usual ladies first."

With a flourish, she reached into the reaping bowl swirling the pieces of paper around - my stomach mimicking the actions. She grabbed ahold of a piece and began to unfold it, her eyes widening slightly "Maya Odair."

Everything went fuzzy. The girls I had shared a moment of levity with now stared in disbelief. The crowd parted, creating a path for me. Amidst the shouts, potentially Finnick's, and a cry, likely Annie's, Peacekeepers ushered me towards the stage. Finnick's once-charming smile now etched with anguish as i made my ascent up the stairs - forcing a smile onto my own face.

I joined Daphne, who shuffled away with a disgusted look on her face, "You must be Finnick's sister? Correct?" Trying to hide the terror in my voice, I corrected her, "No. Cousin." She offered a fake smile, turning away from me and back to the crowd.

"Now for the boys." Daphne's hand delved into the bowl, retrieving a name with an ebem wider grin. Unfolding the chosen paper, she proudly announced, "Daniel Fisher!" The twelve-year-olds looked to a young, trembling brunette boy, mirroring the fear I had felt moments earlier. He stepped out, shoulders tense as he tried holding back his tears. It almost worked. He was almost at the stairs and then.

"I volunteer!" A voice boomed through the crowd as a boy stepped forward from the 15 year olds. A volunteer? an older brunette who could be Daniel's brother, emerged. He jogged over to Daniel and hugged him tightly - whispering something in his ear as Peacekeepers surrounded him, escorting him to the stage. Daphne, unfazed this time, queried, "And your name is?" "Sebastian Fisher," he responded, his voice resolute. Daphne probed further, "Was that your brother?" Sebastian, tensing, retorted, "What do you think?" causing a gasp from Daphne.

"Maya Odair and... Sebastian Fisher, District Four's tributes!" Daphne struggled to conceal the disdain in her voice, provoking a slight giggle from me.

Seperated into farewell rooms, only Rory and River came to bid me goodbye, saving my farewells to Finnick and Annie for the impending train journey.

"Win, Maya. Please. Just win," Rory begged, her voice cracking as she embraced me. I reassured her as i brushed her chestnut hair out of her face, "Don't cry, because I'll cry, and I have to be on camera." River chuckled as he joined the embrace, emphasizing, "Okay, but seriously, M, you have to win - you know you can." Nodding, I vowed to try, the Peacekeepers dragging them away with a final yell from River, as he chucked a cloth covered item onto the ground. "No. You will."

I picked up the item as the item and stuffed it in my sock as the Peacekeepers returned, escorting me from my room. Sebastian was escorted out at the same time, a spark of confidence in his eyes, I could see right through him, he was scared - like i was, albeit masterfully concealed. He held something in his hand which he quickly stuffed into his pocket. A token? A secret token. I'm going to guess a piece of jewellery - or maybe a photo.

In a driving to the train station, with Daphne wedged between me and Sebastian, his intense gaze fixated on the sea outside the window, contrasting my view of houses. His gaze never once faltered - I struggled to see what he saw, the sea was always just a place to go when i was bored and had nothing to do. It looked like it meant more to him. Maybe it was something i'd never understand but i would like to. It would be nice to have a friend - even if we're both dead in a couple weeks.


its quite short but i just wanted to do a little introduction to the characters. I LOVE SEBASTAIN SMSMSMSMSM.

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