Heroes are Celebrities

Start from the beginning

Jay's heart drops as Scoops holds up his golden microphone. "Quickwit, what was the nature of your previous relationship with Gannet Faulkner?"

The truth is pulled up from the pit of his stomach. Jay can feel his face go up in flames as he spills his guts. "He made me feel appreciated, cared about, and important. I fell completely in love."

An edge of discomfort enters Scoop's eyes. "Ah, I see. It must've hurt you to learn it was all a lie."

Jay wrangles with his mind, attempting to choose the words he knows won't jeopardize their mission. "When I discovered he was a villain I dedicated myself to bringing him to justice."

Internally, Jay cheers. That technically was the truth, even if he didn't stick with that plan...

Finally, Scoops pulls the microphone back. "Very brave of you, Quickwit!"

Jay has to swallow down an acidic retort brewing in his stomach. Why the fuck would they use the microphone on him? Did they suspect something of Jay?

"Thank you, Scoops," he croaks.

"Moving on...I have some news to share with Neo Houston."

Scoops' face goes grim as he faces the camera fully. "Our scientists at Netscie have been hard at work analyzing the latest attack by Stygian, the results of which are extremely disturbing. We have been told that the capability to encase the entire Galleria Mall in such a short amount of time is not the feat of an A-Class super. We are being told that it has been determined that Stygian is an S-Class."

Jay's stomach drops, his hands going clammy. Shit.

"I know this is a frightening discovery, but measures are being put in place as we speak. To challenge this overwhelming threat to our city, the Network is assembling an elite team of heroes. Houston, I am pleased to announce the formation of the Dawnbreakers!"

Behind Jay, a screen rolls down. On it, several heroes appear in dramatic poses; Pixamena, Zenith, Scoops, Delta, him, and...Alphaman. Jay's heart freezes as he studies the image of the armored super. Even just on a screen, he's imposing—copper metal covers him from head to toe, obscuring his face completely, and from his helmet two small horns poke out. This isn't a super like Massasauga, who grandstands and makes a fool of himself, this is an S-Class super. A super who could level Houston if he wanted to. The very one who had battled Calamity 25 years ago and won.

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