Sometimes Villains Need Saving

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Need to be saved by Jay, of course

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Need to be saved by Jay, of course. Rarely, if ever, do they get the benefit of the doubt from other heroes. That means since Razzmatazz has been on the loose for nearly three weeks now, it's up to Jay to figure out where she's hiding out—before someone like Massasauga does.

However, that does mean that the sidekick is working in his free time whenever he can...He's going to need caffeine and a lot of it.

Luckily, Gannet has conveniently invited Jay to a night café. The sidekick accepts, of course, eager to kill two birds with one stone. However, as they both walk down the secluded alleyways together, he begins to worry that maybe this was a trap...

The hero nervously fiddles with his mask as he follows the dark-haired man, ready to spring into action if things take a turn. Thankfully though, his fears are unfounded—he sighs in relief as the back entrance to the café soon comes into view.

 Thankfully though, his fears are unfounded—he sighs in relief as the back entrance to the café soon comes into view

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"This place is great, it's always packed," Gannet chirps, smoothing out the wrinkles in his stolen flannel.

Jay watches the villain adjust the loose fabric, wondering if Gannet realizes what he's wearing. He sidesteps a large puddle, observing the neon red signage that illuminates the damp alley. "I've heard of it before but was never able to get in, since parking is so limited. Good job finding this neat secret entrance..."

The villain flushes, holding the door open to Arete. Jay thanks him as he steps inside, taking in the decor of the historic building as he enters.

Like their last meeting place, this cafe also celebrates heroes. Unlike Café des Braves though, Arete seems to celebrate the heroes and villains of ancient Greece like Hercules, Medusa, Achilles, etcetera. 

Even more decorated than the cafe covered in marble busts and paintings of chimeras, however, is the menu. Jay eyes up the extensive list of drinks nervously before turning to the cashier. "One americano, please. Hold the sugar and cream."

The man behind the counter smiles pleasantly. "Uh, sorry, but we don't do that here."

Jay glares. "You don't do black coffee?"

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