Prologue: Intro Narration

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War. War never changes.

Long ago, the United States invaded Canada and forcefully integrated the nation. When the world was consumed by nuclear weapons, nowhere was safe. Not even the newly annexed territories of Canada. When the smoke cleared, the survivors were barely scraping by.

However, not everyone suffered equally from the devastation. On the island of Newfoundland, life is prospering once again. Entire cities had been built from the ground up, television had returned, crops flourished, and children were able to attend school with little worry. This new nation called itself the Dominion.

The Dominion had its own troubles in the past. The navy and the army fought in a brutal power struggle for what little resources the island had. Great robotic armies marched against each other. The navy bombed factories, the army invaded harbors, and assassinations became a normal part of life.

Everything changed one day when the General of the army and the Admiral of the navy met. Together they signed a ceasefire. The violence had finally ended, and the nation flourished once again.

Years later, they would marry and have a daughter. A young woman named Colette Rose.

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