Chapter 1: An Important Night

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Groups of young girls, some old enough to be considered adults, stood on the sides of the football game. They were cheerleaders.

"Let's go! Deathclaws!" Colette cheered, waving her pom poms.

The Lancaster Deathclaws was in the school championship finals against the York Mirelurks. One of the most popular sports events in the Dominion.

Colette and the rest of her cheerleading squad formed a pyramid with her on top. She then struck a pose and stayed in place.

An eyebot hovered around her, no doubt it was a live recording of their performance for television.

The away team kicked the football to the other side of the court. One of the players from the Deathclaw team caught the ball. Colette recognized him, he was the team's quarterback Sam.

Sam ran straight to the other side, dodging the other players. He ran forward, past all the other players and scored a touchdown.

Although there were five seconds left on the timer, it was clearly over. There was no way the Mirelurks could make a comeback after that.

The rest of the football team who were sitting on a bench ran out to the field to celebrate. The cheerleaders also ran to the field. They did it, they won the championship final.

The coach stepped into the crowd. "Alright, alright. Congratulations everyone. You did great."

There was some clapping in the crowd. Some were still celebrating but most were quietly listening to the coach.

The coach continued. "This was the last game this year. I'm very proud of you. It's time to get cleaned up."

People started returning to the locker rooms. Some were hanging around to talk with friends or family. As Colette was entering the locker room the quarterback put a hand in front of her.

"Well cheer captain. That was quite the game, wasn't it?" Sam asked, blocking her way.

"Yes, that was a pretty good move by the end," Colette agreed.

"I wanted to dedicate that score to you," Sam said.

"Aww thanks," Colette smiled. She tried to move past his arm but was pulled back.

Sam firmly gripped her hand. "Hold on, we should probably celebrate. I've had my eye on you for quite a while. Can't end the night without a kiss."

"Sorry but I'm not interested." Colette pulled out of his grip. "Besides, you're not my type."

Colette walked into the locker room to change out of her cheerleading outfit and into a more casual skirt and blouse. Then she went to the train station.

The trains and buses were the main form of transportation in the massive city of Londinium. Colette walked to a machine and inputted her destination. Once she was ready, Colette took out a gold coin. It was a ducat, the main form of currency in the Dominion. She inserted the ducat into the ticket machine to get her train ticket.

Once Colette had her ticket, she stood at the underground train station. Glass doors and walls separated the people from the tracks themselves. There weren't a lot of people this late at night. Mostly Dominion army and navy drones moving boxes of presumably supplies.

The Dominion drones had steel plates welded into a vaguely human shape. Their frame itself looked extremely slim, comparable to the shape of a human skeleton. A large camera stood in place of their heads.

The army drones were painted black while the navy drones were painted white. The scars of the disagreements between the army and the navy were so deep, their drones didn't even use the same weapons. Army drones exclusively carried laser weapons while navy drones exclusively carried plasma rifles.

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