Hunting Palisman./ Xander's Invention.

Start from the beginning

Rocky: she did? "He asked as Xander nods his head." [To Yuuya] good for both of you, guys!

Principal Bump: Good tidings on this momentous day. You're all about to recieve your witches' staffs and, more importantly, meet your Palisman. This is a crucial step in your magical development. Palismen are lifelong partners. They can be both your good friends and a powerful tool. In my case...

Rocky: [Realized] oh, no. [covers his face in Embarrassment]

Bump snaps his fingers and Frewin opens his eyes, jumps off his head and turns into a staff, revealing Bump's body length black hair and the scar on his right eye, his left one closed. The class gasps in awestruck.

Luz: Holy Titan!

Principal Bump:....Frewin here, helps me see.

Eda: [stepping forward] Now, traditionally, young witches carve their staffs from the branch of an old Palistrom tree.

Principal Bump: But sadly, Palistrom trees are becoming more and more rare.

Eda: That's why I've teamed up with Bumpipoo...

Principal Bump: Never call me that. bring you...

The Bat Queen flies down and lands on the object.

Bat Queen: Palisman adoption day!

She spreads her wings out as many cracked palismens run out of the seed house. Consisting of a crab, a spider pig with a coin in it's mouth, a blue cat, a pigeon with a bell in its beak, a blue squirrel chamelien hybrid with horns, a red cardinal, a manticore, a brown buffalo, a white tiger, a Silver Rhinoceros and many other small creatures.

Luz: They're so cute!

Yuuya: [Looks to them a little saddened] And there's so many..

Eda: Thanks for the favor, BQ. [Holds out her Aztec death whistle] Here's your whistle back.

Bat Queen: Save it for another time. This was my pleasure. What a wonderful idea.

One of the palismen, a red cardinal, escapes the shelter, but Bump picks them up and puts them back.

Principal Bump: Nope! You're staying right here.

Luz: Aw. Little rascal!

Yuuya: Maybe it wants a true taste of freedom.

Clover, a bee palisman, flies out of the shelter and over to Willow. She chitters, rubbing her head against Willow's cheek.

Willow: Oh! [Clover transforms into a staff, landing in her hands] Oh, my gosh! [Stands, hugging her new staff] I'm gonna take such good care of you.

Gus: Beautiful. Just beautiful.

Boscha: [Pushes Willow] Outta my way! I want to play professional grudgby!

Bat Queen: [Chuckles] A competitive spirit. Maya will be thrilled. Maya, a crab palisman, hops up to Boscha's leg, turns into her new staff and Boscha catches him.

Boscha: [Blushing] Okay. This is pretty cool.

Viney: I want to open my own veterinary clinic for mythical pets.

A manticore palisman rises and becomes her staff.

Viney: [Gasps, chuckles] All right!

Gus: Dad wants me to become a master illusionist, but that's easy. So instead, I'll become an ambassador to the Human Realm and re-establish contact with the giraffes!

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