Escape of the Palisman/The 3rd Rider.

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We started at a Slayground in the middle of Bonesborough. Several baby-track Hexside students are there. A sign at the front gate reads "THE SLAYGROUND funded by the Bonesborough department of parks & wreck".

Cut to a sign above a bench that reads "ALL BLOODTHIRSTY MONSTERS MUST BE LEASHED". Eda, Yuuya and Luz are sitting on a bench under the sign while king was "playing" with the baby-track Hexside students.

Luz: What if he gets hurt? What if the kids are mean to him? [Gasps] My parental instincts are freaking out, man.

Yuuya: [calming Luz down] sweetie. Calm down, I'm sure he'll be fine. [To Eda] right Miss Eda?

Eda: yup. Look at him, he's fine though. "She said as they looked at king who is climbing on the slide."

Yuuya: see? I told you he'll be fine.

Luz: it does look like he's having fun.

Cut to king who is still climbing at the slide.

King: Stand back, cretins. "He said as he successfully reached the top of the slide." Yes! Yes! This is a throne worthy of a tyrant! Now bow to me you snotty underlings. Bow! "He commanded as the kids bowed while the other kid does a handstand." Yes! Appease your master! "He said until a another kid appears behind him."

Kid:  This isn't for standing, it's for sliding. You try. "He said as he Shoves king"

King: Whoa, whoa! "He yelled as he shoved down on the ground." Eda! [Clings to Yuuya's legs] That monster took my throne.

Eda: You mean the baby?

King: No, the usurper. I want you to go over there and blow him up. Kaboom!

Usurper: [Riding a spring rider] Kaboom!

Eda: [Unscrews Owlbert from the staff] Yeah, I'm not using Owlbert to blow up a five-year-old. "She said as Owlbert hoots."

Eda: He's got better things to do. Like this... "she said as she scratches under his wing as he warbles."

Yuuya: kawaī....

Luz: Aw, what a sweetie. Where did you get him?

Eda: Get? I made owlbert from the branch of an ancient tree. "She said as owlbert hopped onto her shoulder." Oh, he's my palisman and we're bonded for life. "She said as owlbert nuzzled her cheeks." I'll annihilated everyone who'd hurt him.

King: fine! Don't help. How about you Yuuya?

Yuuya: are you crazy? I don't hurt kids even though they're brats and annoying. "He as luz elbowed him." [To Luz] what?

King: Grr. Fine! I dont need either of you. Revenge will taste all the sweeter if they fall by my hand alone. "He said while laughing maliciously until the usurper approached and pushed him."

Usurper: Tag, you're it! "He said as he runs while laughing."

Yuuya: uhh king? Are you ok?

Eda: Oh, man. Here we go. King's squeak of rage.

Yuuya: squeak of what? "He asked as king stands up."

King: nyeh.... nyeh..... "He then starts squeaking like a girl while wriggling and punching on the air, he stands pausing for a moment, then continues squealing as he charges after his rival."

Eda: [Laughing] He is like a little teakettle. "She said while she snorts and wiping a tear away."

Owlbert scratches at his face, revealing a circle with a spike pointing inwards of it's foot.

Luz: Hey, what's that? "She asked as she points to Owlbert's foot"

Eda: That's his interlock. So he only fits on to my staff. Every palisman has one."As she speaks, everything but her, her staff, and the bench disappears." [Gasps] Luz? Yuuya? "She then stands as her staff falls to the ground merging through it and the bench disintegrating."

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