Part 4 - The Ball

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Unbeknownst to my knowledge, the Fairy Godmother had already changed my clothes into my prepared dress, with some added flair and appropriate adornments to complete the look. My hair was styled in a brilliantly loose but stylish half-braided bun reminiscing of the original look with more of a modern flair, most likely taking inspiration from my memories. She even left a note stating: "My magic's not perfect, but you already knew that!"

This Fairy Godmother was undoubtedly different from the movie, but I'm not complaining about these changes. I didn't need the whole song and dance though it would be interesting to see how it would look in real life.

I admire the shiny new motorcycle in the evening night. Tracing my hand along the side, the inexplicable coolness of the handle, the tight and firm leather seat, I wondered about the practicality of riding a motorcycle in a ballgown. The Fairy Godmother must have used some magic to make it more practical as the seat is extremely comfortable and doesn't leave creases on my dress when I move around.

I test the pedal with my glass-slippered feet, the shoes are much more sturdy than they seemed and the sudden acceleration of the machine is smooth, with no jerkiness. The engine roars strong and loud.

The rush of the wind hits my face as I raced towards the castle, the exhilaration and freedom of the ride, I could feel my worries leaving me. So refreshing!

. . .

"Halt! State your name and business!" A staunch and well-dressed knight impedes my entry. His eyes bear surprise at my choice of transport but does not question it.

"Mary Beth Gertude Tremaine of the Tremaine household." The name rolls off my tongue effortlessly. I didn't think I would remember Cinderella's real name after all this time. I guess my body still knows who it is.

"The ball has already begun but guests are still allowed to enter. The main room will be on your left." The knight acknowledges my introduction and steps aside.

"Thank you." I nod my thanks and head up inside the castle.

Just as it was in the movie, the castle is elegant but simplistic. The hallways are empty but not devoid. Similar to meeting with the Fairy Godmother, there is this almost ethereal feel, magical. I never got this feeling when meeting with my horrid stepmother and her daughters, but the castle feels different. Like there's an increase in saturation of colors in a world that's slightly more dulled.

The whispering of voices escapes through the walls and the quaint lighting guides me straight to the main ballroom. Everything is straight out of the movie, blurs of dancing colors from the different gowns litter the much more brightly lit room. The nameless but distinctly handsome prince stands dead in the center, meeting a seemingly neverending line of eligible maidens.

I glance around to seek out the locations of my stepfamily. They are well hidden amongst the crowd but still noticeable due to their presence. Drizella and Anatasia have just met with the prince and are heading towards Lady Tremaine, who seems to be scoping out potential suitors for her daughters.

"My lady? Are you going to enter?" A standing knight's voice breaks my concentration. He looks at me curiously.

"Oh! Sorry." I blush, bowing slightly as thanks. I forgot I was just standing at the entrance to the ballroom.

"I-it is alright!" He stumbles on his words, quickly stepping aside to give me more space. His ears are tinged with pink, is he blushing?

I give him a small smile before stepping into the light. At once, a sudden pressure hits me. I freeze in place as a multitude of eyes immediately turn towards my direction. I can feel my hands getting clammy, my heart racing at the sudden attention. I gulped.

I Deserve a Happy Ending! A Cinderella StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora