Pt3 The Transformation

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"Yes, I'm going to the ball tomorrow so I won't have time to help Anastasia and Drizella with their stuff." A sudden burst of courage surges through me and I straighten my back with confidence.

Lady Tremaine's eyes slink slightly at my change but she doesn't respond.

"Wah!" The door behind me disappears and I feel myself falling.

"Ow!" I hit the side of my hip strongly and a sharp pain flashes through my body. The intensity of it makes my eyes water.

"You're going to the ball? HAH!" A shrill voice pierces my ears as I glance up to see Anatasia and Drizella's faces sneering over me.

"Who's going want you at the ball?" Drizella looks at me with disgust.

"There's no way you're coming with us! I can't stand the idea of having you be in the same space as us! You'll stink up the room!" Anatasia gags, pinching her nose.

"I-I am going! All eligible maidens are invited! I'm an eligible maiden!" I grip my fists in anger.

"Hah! A scrub like you is fit for a prince? In your dreams! He would never look at you!" Anatasia huffs.

"Yeah! There's no way the prince would ever be interested in you, so why even bother coming? Just stay at home and finish your chores!" Drizella mocks.

"Like the prince would even look at you?! You're just jealous of my looks and that's why you don't want me to go! You're just afraid that the prince will fall in love with me!" I yell back.

"Why-! How dare you!" Drizella slaps me across the cheek. The stinging sensation shocks my breath away.

"..Girls, please. The ball is tomorrow, stop lollygagging and get some beauty sleep. You'll want to look your best." Lady Tremaine sighs, petting Lucifer slowly.

"But-!" Drizella grunts, stopping her words at Lady Tremaine's gaze.

Huffing, Anatasia returns to her room. Eyeing me evilly, Drizella pushes me out of the way, entering her room as well. 

I rub my shoulder to soothe the pain. My whole body is aching from the fall from earlier and my cheek hurts from the slap. I can't believe I actually got slapped. This wasn't in the movie!

"...Are you going to continue lying there, collecting dust? How unsightly." Lady Tremaine's voice breaks my thoughts. I look to see her still there, observing me.

I blush at my embarrassing position, quickly getting up and cringing slightly from the pain.

"...Cinderella." She sighs.

I grip my fists tightly, hanging onto her every word.

"..You can't stop me from going. The royal invitation states that all eligible maidens are invited! I am going to the ball!" I stare at her dead in the eyes. She seems surprised by my outburst. Uncomfortable almost.

"...You don't say. Well, it is true that I can not stop you from going. But will you be able to go?" She turns away.

"Huh?" I watch her leave, her words floating in the air.

"Wait! What do you mean?" I call out to her.

"Good night Cinderella." She slams the door in my face.

Her words linger around me. What does she mean by "will I be able to go?" She didn't assign me any more tasks than I already had. I already made my dress just in case the fairy godmother doesn't show up so I will be presentable enough to attend. Glass slipper or not, Cinderella's beauty is more than enough to captivate the prince's attention.

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