Start from the beginning

Eren: Hell yes! It's exactly like how it looks from my vision

Mikasa: I wonder how Eren is doing, I feel something, something weird is going on with him

As she descends into the basement, she can hear Eren. She can hear him doing something, the more she gets closer, the more she can clearly hear him saying something, sounds excited. Once she's  finally all the way, Mikasa stops dead in her tracks, and is flabbergasted by what Eren is doing

Mikasa: EREN!!

Eren jumps back hitting his head against the wall.

Eren: What the hell!? I could've accidentally turned into a titan from that

Mikasa: what are you doing?

Eren: Getting ready for more of Hange's experiments, why?

Mikasa: Are you lying to me?

Eren: (how is she this quick, she alreadys know I'm lying, it's no use, i can't make anything up) y...yeah

She moves her eyes over next to Eren, she sees something on his raggedy bed.

Mikasa: what's this?

Eren: Fine, I can't even get out of this, I've just been trying to see, who they are, those who keep appearing in my head

Mikasa: (I never even knew Eren could sketch with so much detail, but this is what concerns me more) I'm worried about you

Eren: Isn't everyone worried about me?

Mikasa: this is not normal, you're changing, I'm starting to think you're going insane

Eren: I need to know more, I need to know who they are, and where they are

Mikasa: what happened to the Eren that wanted to kill titans? Is he no longer there?

Eren: ... I still want to, but I feel like I need to get through this first

Mikasa: If this is what you want more, then I'll help you, but first you need to eat, you look starved

Eren: (what does she even mean by "help" I'm the only who has these sorts of visions) I guess, but please don't think I'm going insane

Meanwhile outside the walls, where the convoy is still moving and blasting loud music

EF speakerman 1: This is a banger!

EF speakerman 4: I know right, we're never getting tired of playing our anthem

EF speakerman 1: although they are as he looks at the Sideview mirror seeing a swarm of titans chasing the convoy

EF speakerman 4: oh yeah I forgot they've been chasing us for the past 30 minutes

EF speakerman 1: Hold on, you take the wheel as he heads to the back where the rest of the speakermen are. You guys see those titans right there?

Speakermen: Yeah!

EF speakerman 1: I don't like them, shoot them down!

Speakermen: Yes, sir!

The speakermen then open the doors and start launching knives at the eyes of the titans and then grab some paralyzer rifles and start blasting the titans to the point where they can't move finally leaving the convoy in peace.

EF speakerman 1: hell yeah they did it!

EF speakerman 4: now they're no longer bothering us

EF speakerman 1: the amount of power we have in this world is so much fun to just unleash, anyways let's cut the music before we attract some unnecessary attention

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