Confessions in the Rain

Start from the beginning

"Oh, darn! I need to go to miss Jiu! " it dawned on me, and I turned sharply on the spot.

"Why?! Did you come up with something new to win the bet?" Siyeon laughed.

"One more word about the bet, and I'll forget who you are," after these words, I went to the biology classroom. The school stairs seemed endless to me as I approached; thoughts began to form a solid cobweb again.

"May I?" my voice trembled.

She was standing by the window, and upon hearing my voice, she startled. Her shoulders twitched, and her actions became sluggish. Our entire dialogue began to resemble a slow-motion shot... No, not a comedy.

"Yes, come in Yoohyeon," approaching the table, she took my notebook and handed it to me," Everything is correct, well done."

With a silly but still a smile, I took the notebook and put it in my bag.

"It's been raining all day today..."

"Yes... "she said hesitantly, looking somewhere to the side.

I couldn't catch her gaze, and when I did, it turned out to be empty...

"Aren't you going home?"

"Rain... Maybe it will stop," she seemed to ignore my question.

"It's already dark, and the rain is unlikely to stop," I still hoped to hear an answer and spoke more confidently.

"Well, maybe I'll spend the night at school?" she said with a hint of a joke.

"If that's the case... "sitting at the desk, I looked at her," In that case, I'll stay overnight too. Always dreamed of it, but it's scary alone.

We both laughed, and Miss Jiu quickly prepared to go home, while I watched her movements, her facial expressions, and the speed of her thoughts.

"Well, shall we go get wet?" she sighed.

"Allow me to ask... How did you get here in the morning? I remember you came to class completely dry, unlike me. Admit it, miss, you have an umbrella! You just don't want to share it with me," I smirked.

Looking at me, she said with a smile:

"My partner gave me a ride."

"Mmm... How caring," I quickly went to the exit and waited for her in the corridor.

She sadly looked at me as she walked out. Locking the classroom, we left the school. The girls didn't wait for me and went home. The rain was so necessary for me... Without hesitation, I took her by the arm, and we entered this stream of water... Drops of water, one after another, beat the rhythm as if to some sad melody. We walked in silence along the empty, deserted street, and only the noise of cars interrupted the silence that settled between us.

"I'll see you off... "I said quietly.

To my surprise, she didn't say anything in response. Approaching her house, we quickened our pace and stood under the shelter of the entrance.

"Wow. I can be wrung out," I examined myself, saying.

"I'm no better, "she laughed.

And again, this silence hung between us... So necessary right now. Slowly approaching her, I touched her cheek with my trembling fingers, either from the cold or from fear. Closing her eyes, she leaned forward. The warmth emanating from our lips warmed us. I heard nothing but the heavy breathing of the teacher. We stood close to each other, listening to the actions of our hearts. Summoning courage, she touched my cheek with her trembling lips, embracing me tightly. We stood there like two fortresses, it seemed.

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