chapter 11- the edge

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Krill woke up somewhere and he doesn't know where

Why's the sky pink? Why does it look different?

Why is this so familiar?

He feels like he's been here before but where is here?

He walked through the street until he walked through a Hall of mirrors and upon seeing them he saw that they had different images in them until he heard a familiar voice

??? :"hey name's V"

Krill quickly saw a mirror that seemed to be is someone's POV

V:"so your Johnny's new pal huh?"

Krill:"I guess... Woah I can talk here"

V:"course choom, this is a special dream after all"

Krill:"Johnny talked about you V, said you were amazing"

V:"well he did say me and him are alike. Some guy definitely not from around night city told me to give you this"

V gave krill a a stone which formed a tattoo resembling a odd band logo

Ignore the t shirt

V:"the guy said it'll protect from bad things, like something called animus magic and other stuff like that so all I'm saying is your immune to bad spells and jinx's I guess "

Krill:"thanks V"

V:"before you go I think you can pass these on for Johnny "

Krill was given a samurai jacket, a pistol and some car keys?

V:"now wake up"

Krill wakes up feeling the jacket (that fits his dragon form), the tattoo and the gun

Johnny:"wha-how did you get my malorian arms 3516?! My jacket and a samurai logo tattoo?! "

Krill:you won't believe who I met Johnny

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