Travel + Team Fun

286 6 2

Time- 5.30pm (12th July)
*Everyone is packing up their rooms before you leave to go to southampton*
G- y/n, are you done packing already?
Y/n- yeah, i only unpack the stuff i need per day and my makeup bag so it didn't take me long
G- ah that makes sense, do you want to go get a drink before we leave?
Y/n- i can go get them while you finish packing if you want?
G- yeah, if you don't mind
Y/n- it's fine, what do you want?
G- can you get me a hot chocolate with whole milk and marshmallows please?
Y/n- yeah, back in a bit *You smile and walk down to the costa inside the hotel*

?- hey, what can i get you?
Y/n- can i get a hot chocolate with whole milk and marshmallows and a mango and passion fruit cooler?
?- large, regular or medium?
Y/n- medium for both please
?- okay, that will be 8.80, cash or card?
Y/n- card please
*you pay and then go and stand to the side to wait*
Ellie- hey y/n
Y/n- hey el, how are you?
Ellie- I'm okay, you?
Y/n- I'm okay, you all packed?
Ellie- yeah, just came to get a coffee for the drive
Y/n- yeah same, well hot chocolate and a cooler *you laugh*
Ellie- G not finished packing then?
Y/n- no, when has she ever been able to finish a task in time?
Ellie- *laughs* knowing her she'll be packing till we have to actually leave
Y/n- exactly *you laugh*
*You stand chatting until your drinks are ready*
Y/n- see ya in a bit el
Ellie- see ya

*You go back into the room*
Y/n- I'm back
G- hey, i just finished packing
Leah- hey y/n
Y/n- hey le, here's your drink g *you give it to her*
G- your a star
Le- where's mine *rolls her eyes*
Y/n- shut up leah
G- what time are we leaving again?
Le- half 6, so in like half an hour

*someone knocks on the door*
G- come in!
Beth- hey my girls!
Y/n- hey betty
Le- hey beth
Beth- sarina sent me to say that we can start loading stuff onto the bus and getting ready to leave
Y/n- okay cool
Leah- okie dokie, i'm gonna take mine then go to costa do you want a drink beth?
Beth- nah, i'll be okay
Y/n- that means get her a drink before she drinks all of mine
Leah- i know *laughs*
G- right, see you down there

*You all go and get your stuff on the bus and do final room checks before you all get onto the bus*

Ellen- y/n, you sitting with me and beth?
Y/n- when would i ever say no?
Beth- that's right

*you sit with ellen and beth*

Sarina- can i get your attention to just run through the schedule while we're in southampton
*Sarina waits for everyone to turn and face her*
Sarina- okay, so tommorrow we will do early morning training 8.30 - 10.00, and then gym 10.00 - 11.00 and then you will have the rest of the day to yourselfs, and then on 14th you will do gym in the morning and then we will go to the stadium to train at 4 and then on the 15th we will do usual match day stuff. we are expected to arrive in southampton just before 9

*You sit and talk to the girls for a while*
Ellen- so y/n
Y/n- so ells
Ellen- how are you and viv?
Y/n- oh..
Beth- ells i thought i told you *gives you a wink*
Ellen- told me what?
Y/n- we broke up
Ellen- *gasps* oh god, i'm so sorry
Beth- y/n are you okay?
Y/n- *you sniffle* yeah no, its okay
Ellen- honestly i didn't mean to bring it up y/n
Y/n- it's fine honestly

*You sit in silence for a few minutes and ellen looks really upset so you start laughing*
Ellen- what?
Y/n- I can't lie to you anymore, we didn't break up
Ellen- are you taking the piss?
Y/n- i'm sorry *you laugh*
Beth- god that was fun!
Ellen- you were in on it!
Beth- well no, it wasn't planned but for y/n to pull it off i would have had to know
Ellen- i hate you both, so how are you actually?
Y/n- we're good
*your phone rings and you pick it up*
Y/n- hey!
Viv- hello my girl
Y/n- how are you sweet
Viv- i'm good, how's the eyebrow?
Y/n- *you laugh* looks pretty much normal, i got it glued together this morning before recovery
Viv- ah right, will you be okay for your game on friday?
Y/n- yeah i should be, are you okay for your game tommorow?
Viv- yeah i am, i'll probably only play second half though
Y/n- that's wise *you smile*
Viv- are you going to watch?
Y/n- what time is kick off?
Beth- kick off is at 8 y/n
Y/n- thanks, i'll only watch if beth is
Beth- yeah i am or i'll get in trouble *laughs*
Viv- okay, glad your both watching then
Y/n- always
Viv- where are you, your camera is so shaky
Y/n- we're on the bus going to southampton, i don't think were very far now
Ellen- we're about 10 minutes from the hotel
Beth- i was fully expecting you to ignore us for the rest of the trip
Y/n- same *you laugh*
Viv- why, what did you do to poor ellen?
Beth- so ellen asked how you and y/n where and y/n told her that you broke up *laughs*
Y/n- i must say my acting skills where phenomenal!
Ellen- although it was horrible, i would have to agree with you
Viv- god ellen i am so sorry for my girlfriends antics!
Y/n- *you blush*
Viv- why are you blushing, what did i say?
Beth- nothing, i bet its because you called her your girlfriend
Viv- god your such a hopeless romantic y/n!
Y/n- oh shut up vivianne
Viv- *laughs* i can't deal with you sometimes
Y/n- you love me really
Viv- maybe i do
Ellen- you guys make me sick
Y/n- no we don't
Beth- ells, why are you acting like you did'nt literally almost sob because they broke up?
Y/n- *you laugh* fact
Lotte- *sits down* hej
Y/n- hej, hoe gaat het?
Lotte- Met mij gaat het goed, en met jou?
Y/n- ik ben ok
Viv- hoi lotte
Lotte- hej vivi
Beth- right, can you speak english please, my dutch only extends to a certain point
*You, lotte and viv laugh*
Viv- well, get dani to teach you then
Beth- she tried and then said i was hardwork
Y/n- that's the most dani thing ever
Lotte- *laughs* so true
Viv- don't blame her to be honest
Y/n- don't be mean *you laugh*
Viv- speak of the devil, hey dani
Y/n- hey dani!
Danielle- hey y/n!
Beth- ah my eyes!
Lotte- beth *laughs*
Danielle- beth shut up
Beth- god the voice is annoying too!
Y/n- she's your girlfriend not ours
Viv- exactly
Danielle- sometimes i wonder why my brain told me you where the one and not someone like y/n
Viv- watch your mouth danielle
Y/n- it's okay dani, i'll run away with you
Dani- pick you up at 8
Viv- first roord now dani? which one of my friends do you want next y/n!
Y/n- you, you're the only one i want
Lotte- okay, behave now, i've a question for you viv, and you y/n
Viv- what's up?
Y/n- sup?
Lotte- august 15th tao has a race in hoogeveen, and he wants to know if you'll come?
Y/n- yes! i'm so down
Viv- yeah, defo
Lotte- okay cool
Viv- y/n
Y/n- vivianne
Viv- take me off speaker
Y/n- *you take it off speaker* what's up?
Viv- nothing, i'm gonna go downstairs so i just wanted to say goodnight
Y/n- goodnight, i'll call you before you leave for the stadium tommorow
Viv- ik hou van jou
Y/n- ik hou van jou
*you hang up*

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