Training time

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*You wake up to the sound of a thick irish accent calling your name*

Katie- Y/N!
Y/n- *you open your eyes* yeah, whats up?
Katie- we need to be heading back now
Jen- rise and shine troop *laughs*
Y/n- how long was i out?
Steph- about an hour love
Y/n- sorry guys *you laugh*
Beth- it's all good, you going back with viv?
Viv- you can if you want *smiles*
Y/n- yeah if you dont mind?
Viv- nah, i dont mind

*You go back with viv and fall asleep as soon as you get to your bed and wake up to the sound of your alarm*

*You get into your training gear*

*You get into your training gear*

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*pretend your katie*

*You drive to training and meet everyone in the cafeteria to get some food*

Gio- hey y/n, how are you?
Y/n- hey gio, im good, you?
Gio- im good, you exited for training?
Y/n- yeah, happy to get on the pitch *you smile as she walks away*
Beth- *runs to you* hows my girl doing this morning?
Y/n- hey beffy, im good!
Katie- hey gal
Y/n- hey katie
Jen- hey troop
Y/n- hey jenny
Viv- hey bug, you okay?
Y/n- *you smile* hey viv

*Jonas walks in*
Jonas- okay girls, straight to the pitch please, y/n can i have a word quickly?
Y/n- yeah sure *you turn to the girls* i'll see you in a bit
The girls- see ya *they walk to the pitch*

Y/n- sup boss?
Jonas- y/n, i need you to put in a good shift so i can maybe put you in the line up for our game tommorow against villa
Y/n- okay, i'll do my best *you smile and walk out*

*Training pitch*
Jonas- i want us to do some shooting practice, split into groups of 6 and then pick a goalie to go against
Beth- y/n!, come with me, katie,viv, leah and steph!
Y/n- are you sure?
Katie- yeah, get over here gal!!
Y/n- *you walk over* what gk we going with then?
Viv- i say we go with sabs?
Lotte- yeh sure
Leah- sounds good
Steph- yeah defo
Sabrina- *walks over* i'm guessing that you've called dibs on my safe hands then?
Y/n- *you laugh* yeah, we did
Sabrina- hey y/n!
Y/n- hey sabs *you smile*
Sabrina- long time no see huh?
Leah- am i missing something?
Y/n- me and sabs where close when i was on loan from portland to NCC
Sabrina- then i left to go to a diffrent leauge and we didnt stay in touch *she hugs you* but now shes here
Y/n- here for the meantime *you hug her back*

*You all walk over to a goal*
Y/n- who wants to go first then?
Beth- i think y/n should go first and show us her skills?
Sabrina- y/n is gonna embarrass me *laughs*
Viv- is she that good *laughs*
Sabrina- unfortunately
Y/n- shut up sabs *you laugh*
*You set up the shot and you curl it top right*
Lotte- what the actual fuck y/n?
Steph- mate, that was sick
Katie- nah, that wasnt real!
Beth- im speechless
Y/n- *you go red* it's not a big deal guys
*Everyone else takes there shots and then its your turn again*
Sabrina- show off o'clock
*You fake the shot and while sabrina is still down you shoot the ball bottom left*
*Everyone else has stopped to watch you and there cheering you on*
Y/n- *you laugh and bow as a joke*
Jonas- *walks over* y/n, that is some skill
Jonas- lets play five aside before we head into the gym
*you get put with leah, rafa, sabs and kim and beat jen, lotte , lia, manu and viv 3-1 (you score a hatrick*

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