Post Match...

479 9 0

*At SGP after the game*
*You eat dinner with everyone and then go up to your room*
Y/n- *You call viv*
Viv- *picks up* hey bug
Y/n- heya!
Viv- how's your ankle
Y/n- it's a bit painful but other than that it's okay *You smile*
Viv- *just stares at you*
Y/n- earth to vivianne? *You laugh*
Viv- sorry *laughs* have you got a day off tommorow?
Y/n- yeah i do,do you?
Viv- yeah, are you allowed off camp?
Y/n- umm i'm not sure hold on
*You take the phone with you downstairs to the dinner hall and find the closest person to ask*
Millie- hey y/n, you okay?
Y/n- oh hey mill yeah, can i ask you something?
*from the phone*
Viv- y/n? are you still there?
Millie- who's that?
Y/n- *you go bright red* it's umm
Millie- is it your girlfriend!? *says it a bit loud*
*Rachel and mary hear her and walk over*
Mary- have you got a secret lover y/n?
Rachel- oooh *hits you playfully*
Y/n- i do not, it's viv *you laugh and show them the phone*
Viv- *laughing* hey guys
Millie- oh hey viv *laughs*
Mary- long time no chat vivianne!
Rachel- y/n why is there a goat on your phone!?
Viv- *laughing* y/n where you not in your room like 2 minutes ago?
Y/n- where you not the one who asked me a question i've come to ask to find the answer to?
Millie- ooh married couple argument, my favourite!
Viv- *laughs* we aren't married or a couple mill
Rach- not yet your not *laughss*
Y/n- *you spot georgia sat with leah, keira and lucy* mill hold my phone for 5 minutes i'll be right back
*You walk over to georgia*
(you left your crutches in your room u have ur boot on though)

Keira- hey y/n *smiles*
Leah- do you want to sit down?
G- yeah y/n you shouldn't be standing
Y/n- no i'm going back to the room in a minute i just have a question
Lucy- sup?
Y/n- it's gonna sound stupid but i've not been at camp before
Leah- spill then weirdo *laughs*
Keira- leah stop
Y/n- are we allowed off camp on our days of?
Keira- yeah, but we can't leave manchester obviously, why?
Lucy- are you going to meet up with your lover *laughs*
Y/n- *you laugh and go red* not exactly
Leah- you gonna meet up with miedema?
Y/n- yeah *you smile*
G- yeah then thats fine, where's your phone?
Y/n- shit!

*Meanwhile with mill, rach and mary*
Mary- so what's the deal with you and y/l/n
Viv- nothing maz *goes red*
Millie- your a liar !
Mary- you can tell us we won't tell her anything
Rach- yeah we won't
Viv- okay so, i like her, like alot i think she's the most amazing person ever *smiles*
Rach- *notices you coming over and tells u to duck and come listen to what viv is saying* *whispers* shh listen to her shes actually a simp
Mary- what else? has anything happened between you?
Viv- i mean we've been on a few dates and kissed a couple times, we've known eachother for nearly 4 months so
Millie- i think you should ask her out *smiles*
Rach- *looks at you* yeah
Y/n- *you smile and blush* oh my god
Millie- what do you think viv?
Viv- i'll think about it
*You pretend to walk back over*
Y/n- i hope you haven't scared her guys
Millie- i don't think we have *winks at you*
Y/n- anyway i'm going back to my room now, see you lot later
Rach- y/n you should make tiktoks with us later!
Mary- YES!
Millie- i agree, i'll message you
Y/n- okay

*You go back to your room*
Y/n- what did they say to you?
Viv- not much *blushes*
Y?n- okay, anyway, we are allowed of campus for our off days *you smile*
Viv- good, i was worried i'd have to come help you escape *laughs*
Y/n- *laughs* what do you want to do then
Viv- we could go get coffee or something?
Y/n- yeah sure, sounds good *you smile*
Viv- okay *smiles*
Y/n- i'll drive and get at 9 you cause i brang my car and i know manchester
Viv- oh yeah, i forgot you grew up here *laughs*
Y/n- yup *you smile*
Viv- anyway, i'm gonna go cause daan keeps messaging me to come play table tennis with her and plus you have to make tiktoks with mill,rach and maz *laughs*
Y/n- oh god *laughs*
Viv- welterusten mijn meisje  ( goodnight, my girl)
Y/n- welterusten viv (goodnight viv)

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