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*It's tuesday, you have been back in london for almost 2 days*
*someone's knocking on your door so you go and open it*
Katie- hey, can i come in?
Y/n- uh yeah sure, i need to finish getiing changed but make yourself comfy and i'll be back in a minute
*You go to your room and get changed for training and then go back to katie*
Y/n- hey, so what's up?
Katie- not much just wondering if i could stay here for a few days?
Y/n- yeah sure, you all good?
Katie- yeah, just got some stuff going on at home
Y/n- *you see katie getting upset so you give her a hug* i'm here if you need to talk katie, love you
Katie- thanks y/n/n
*There's another knock on your door*
Katie- want me to get it?
Y/n- yeah if you don't mind, do you want a cuppa?
Katie- yeah sure *goes to open the door*
Viv- oh katie, what are you doing here
Katie- i needed to talk to y/n before training, come in though
Viv- okay thanks
Katie- she's in the kitchen
*viv walks into the kitchen and wraps her arms around your waist*
Y/n- hello vivianne
Viv- how did you know it was me?
Y/n- i could smell your perfume *you laugh*
Viv- does it atleast smell nice?
Y/n- yes, what brings you here then
Viv- well i was going to see if you needed a lift to training or something?
Y/n- uh well i was going to drive because i obviously have katie here
Viv- oh yeah, what's she even doing here anyway?
Y/n- she has stuff going on at home and asked if she could stay for a few days *you smile*
Viv- oh right, bet her and ruesha are arguing again
Y/n- do they fight alot?
Viv- nah, but recently they have, bit strange
Y/n- well i guess she will tell us when she's ready *you smile*

*After everyone has there tea you drive them to the training ground*
Jen- *runs and hugs you* Y/N!
Y/n- *you hug her back* hey jenny
Jen- god i missed you so much
Steph- hey y/n
Y/n- hey steffy
Beth- hey hunny
Y/n- hey beffy
Jen- ah i missed my back of the bus crew!
Steph- we missed you more beats
Jonas- girl's can you come and sit down please i have news
Manu- wonder what he has to say now
Lia- last time we sat down like this it was when y/n joined
Jonas- today we have a special person joining us, as a kind of introduction to the team in hopes she likes it enough to be our first signing in the summer window
Y/n- oh i know who this is *you laugh*
Beth- who!
Jen- nah how do you know?
Y/n- beth you know them, just wait
Lotte- i know who it is aswell
Y/n- i'm super pumped for this
Lotte- oh me to
Jonas- rules are, you can take pictures with this person but you cannot post them until she signs, if she choses to join, please welcome and make feel at home, alessia russo
Alessia- *walks in* hey guys, super excited to be here and train with such an amazing bunch
*Everyone welcomes her and then she comes over to you*
Y/n- well well well, look what united dragged in!
Alessia- *laughs* more like look what you dragged in
Lotte- *laughs* hey less
Alessia- hey lotts
Y/n- hello alessia *you roll your eyes*
Alessia- already acting like your not half the reason i'm here *she hugs you*
Y/n- *you hug her back* only joking less
*Everyone goes out for training and has a greta time laughing and joking with alessia*

jen- how long you in london for less?
Alessia- i'm here until friday then heading up before the game on sunday
Katie- you should come on the bus with us on friday!
Y/n- oh my god, yes. JONAS!
Jonas- yes y/n?
Y/n- can less come on the bus with us on friday!
Jonas- if that's what she wants?
Alessia- yeah sure *smiles*
Y/n- do you need a place to stay?
Alessia- yeah i do
Y/n- you can stay at mine, i have a spare room being used but you can have mine and i'll sleep on the sofa
Alessia- are you sure?
Y/n- yeah, i don't mind *you smile*
Beth- wait new potential signing means games night tonight and movie night tommorow!
Y/n- we can do it at mine then if you want ?
Steph- yeah sure
Jen- yeahh
Viv- yeah as long as jen don't cheat at fifa again *laughs*
Y/n- oh so your over the denial that you did cheat then jennifer??
Jen- oh shut up miedema lover!
Viv- so uncalled for beattie!
Jen- am i even wrong!
Y/n- *you blush* absouletly!
Jen- see your mouth is saying one thing but your face tells otherwise *winks*
Y/n- *you hit her playfully* stop
Alessia- you lot are so wild *laughs*
Leah- we know
Lotte- and we love it
Viv- okay so meet at y/n's at 6
*Everyone agrees and you, katie and less get into your car to go home*
Less- jen is a pure wind up isn't she?
Katie- that's just beats for you honestly
Y/n- literally *you laugh*
*You get home and go get ready*

That's just how it goes..Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat