International matchday 2 (England vs Norway)

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*It's the last matchday of the international break vs norway and the game starts at 11, the current time is 8am and everyone is eating breakfast*
G- you ready for matchday guys?
Leah- always
Keira- ready as ever
Lucy- it's me, you don't even have to ask *laughs*
Y/n- yeah obviously
G- do you know if your allowed to start y/n?
Y/n- not sure actually, i hope so but then again we have a big rest of the season so maybe i don't want to start
Lucy- yeah i get you
Leah- yeah we do have the final push, champions leauge and the fa cup final still
Keira- good point but i know you'll make the right choice
*Kit man rich walks over*
Rich- y/n, sarina wants a word in her office, morning all
Y/n- thanks rich, morning *you smile*
G- morning richy
Keira- morning richard
Lucy- morning
Leah- morning
Y/n- i best not leave sarina waiting, chat to you lot after and g if i'm not back to get my stuff for the bus can you bring it?
G- yeah sure *smiles*
*You walk off to sarina's office and knock on the door*
Sarina- come in!
Y/n- *you open the door and walk in* you asked to see me
Sarina- come in and sit down, your not in trouble or anything don't worry
Y/n- *you go and sit down* how can i help?
Sarina- i just wanted to know if you wanted to start today or start on the bench, the choice is all yours *smiles*
Y/n- oh, umm *you laugh* sorry it's just never been my choice before
Sarina- it's okay, all up to you
Y/n- could i start on the bench, just want to be prepped for the rest of the actual season*smiles*
Sarina- yeah that's totally fine, you can be brought on in the second half if you want
Y/n- thank you so much sarina *you smile*
Sarina- i've been super impressed with you this camp y/n, hopefully you get the right minutes to be up for a space for the euro squad this summer becaue i would love to see more of you
Y/n- i- thank you
Sarina- anyway you best go get your stuff ready for the bus
Y/n- Thank you *You walk off and back to your room*

*You go back to your room and pack up everything so when the game is over you can come back and get your stuff to drive home*
G- you ready to go down y/n?
Y/n- yeah let me just get my headphones *You smile*
G- okay, meet you down there?
Y/n- yeah sure *you smile*
*You go down and get on the bus and g has already got her seat next to leah so you go and sit with beth*
Sarina- okay before we set off i have a few things to say so listen up please
Beth- oh great
Y/n- what?
Beth- *laughs* just wait
Sarina- first of all i just want to say as always it's been a pleasure girls, you have all worked really hard this camp and i can't believe the next time i see you it will be for the euros!
Everyone- *cheers*
Sarina- next i want to say a huge well done to our debutant y/n y/l/n and her goals scored, i think it's safe to say from everyone that we've loved having you and your kind heart around camp and we are all so proud of you *smiles* laat je nooit door anderen naar beneden halen, je bent geweldig (never let other's bring you down your amazing )
Everyone- *cheers* we love you stargirl!!
Y/n- *you go bright red and laugh* thank you guys, it's been a pleasure to play with you and i've made friends for life
Sarina- finally, the line up for today is mary, lucy, millie, alex, leah, georgia, keira, ella, beth, ellen, hempo
*Sarina wraps up with a few notes and then you set off for old trafford*
Y/n- is that what you said oh god for *you laugh*
Beth- yeah *laughs*
Y/n- fair enough
Beth- how come your not starting today?
Ellen- probably cause she knows how big of a final push you guys have at club
Beth- i didn't think about that
Y/n- *You laugh* yeah ells that's why
Beth- respect you for that, you got anyone coming to watch you today hunny
Y/n- yeah my grandparents, my best friend and girl- viv
Beth- *laughs* nearly slipped it there
Ellen- slipped what *whispers* that you and viv are together?
Y/n- *you go red* you can't say anything ells
Ellen- secret is safe with me love don't worry
Beth- speak of the devil she's calling you
Y/n- *you pick up and put the phone to your ear* hey
Viv- hey, how you feeling?
Y/n- feeling good, how are you?
Viv- i'm good, your not on the line up is your ankle playing up again? *sounds worried*
Y/n- no, i'm minute managing myself don't worry
Viv- *laughs* i was only worried i was wearing this shirt and you weren't gonna play
Y/n- *you laugh* yeah right
Viv- alright fine i was a bit worried
Y/n- how sweet of you, where are you, it's really loud in the back?
Viv- i'm at your grandparents shop and parker can't decide wether to wear the away or home kit so he's shouting
Y/n- what colour jeans is he wearing?
Viv- he's wearing black cargo's
Y/n- tell him i said he should wear the away kit
Viv- i did tell him that *laughs* parker, y/n said wear the away
Parker- *shouts* thanks beautiful!
Y/n- *you laugh* your welcome park
Viv- and your nan is wearing the away and your grandad is in the home and i'm in your very own away kit not by choice
Y/n- it probably looks great on you
Viv- definetly looks better on you though mooi
Y/n- *you go bright red* stop it now i'm on the bus
Beth- yeah leave the poor girl alone vivianne!
Viv- tell beth to shut up
Y/n- she can hear you, your on speaker now
Viv- beth shut it
Beth- you shut it vivianne
Y/n- i second what beth said
Viv- wow, switching sides are we y/l/n?
Y/n- gotta back my beffy
Viv- i can't even say what i wanted back this is so unfair
Y/n- we're pulling into old trafford now, i have to go
Viv- take me off speaker quickly then
Y/n- *you take her off speaker* okay done
Viv- i'll see you after okay, good luck, and score a goal for me when you get on but don't do one of those embarrasing celebrations
Y/n- so your allowed but i'm not
Viv- yeah pretty much
Y/n- okay, not happening
Viv- fine, bye mooi, your gonna smash it
Y/n- bye vivianne
*You hang up and go inside and get ready for warm ups*
Alessia- y/n, come warm up with me
Y/n- you sure less?
Alessia- yeah come on girl
*You and lessi warm up and have a good laugh with eachother*
Alessia- you know i'm looking to move to arsenal in the summer window
Y/n- really?
Alessia- yeah my contract at united is up soon and the offers they keep throwing at me are ridiculous!
Y/n- ha, i had that with bayern when my agent told them i was looking for a move
Alessia- you know they offered me a seven year contract, that's basically my whole career!
Y/n- yeah that's a joke
Alessia- do you like arsenal?
Y/n- i love it less, i felt at home the first day honeslty it was the most amazing feeling ever and everyone lives really close to eachother
Alessia- yeah i always see you with eachother
Y/n- yeah, me, beth, viv, katie and jen are all in the same apartment complex and we are always at someones house
Alessia- seems amazing honestly *smiles*
Y/n- it really is *you smile*
Alessia- thanks y/n, your a great friend
Y/n- love ya less
less- love you, oh everyones gone in *laughs*
Y/n- *you laugh and link arms* maybe we should head in then
*You and less head in and get ready for the game to start*
Sarina- okay girls, last game, good luck
*Everyone goes out to the pitch and then the national anthems and the girls get ready for kick off and you and less go sit together on the bench*

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