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About two hours passed on the train, meaning that in about fifteen to twenty minutes, they would reach their stop in Tokyo. As they gazed out the window, the landscape gradually transformed from the rural outskirts to the bustling cityscape of Tokyo.

The whole train ride, they all sat in silence, all with their guards up, except for Hanako, who still sat glued to the window seat, her eyes watching the view that passed by. Her fascination with the changing scenery was evident as her eyes darted from one building to another, capturing every detail of the vibrant city.

The rest of them kept their eyes out for any potential danger just in case somebody else was to be after Hanako, especially after what they heard at the restaurant about Toji Fushiguro.

Yuki looked over beside her, and a small smile spread across her face when she saw Hanako's reflection through the window. The faded image of awe was reflected back.

"We should get our stuff ready; our stop will be coming up soon," she said, pulling Hanako's attention from the window. Hanako turned her gaze away from the window and nodded, quickly gathering her belongings.

After getting off the train, "Will we be heading straight to the school?" Shiro asked.

"Yes, after we get off at the station, we will head straight to the school. There are dorms, so you will be staying there," Yaga responded.

Shiro nodded, her excitement growing. "I can't wait to see the school," she said, glancing out the window one last time before focusing on gathering her things and making sure she had everything, which wasn't much of anything. Hanako smiled at his enthusiasm, knowing that their new adventure was just beginning.

Hanako's nod was hesitant, and her brow furrowed with another question. "The school has a lot of students," she offered, her voice laced with a hint of uncertainty.

Mr. Yaga smiled reassuringly. "No, the first-year class you'll be joining has only three other students," he clarified, his tone gentle and encouraging.

A glimmer of anticipation flickered in Hanako's eyes. "Will I be able to meet them today?" she asked, her voice tinged with eagerness.

Mr. Yaga's head bobbed gently from side to side, a hint of regret in his expression. "No, I'm afraid not. The three of them are actually away right now, but they'll be returning tomorrow," he explained, his voice apologetic.

Hanako's shoulders slumped in a wave of disappointment; she had hoped to meet her classmates right away.

"The train has come to a stop," Tsukuomo announced, her voice cutting through the lull in conversation. "It looks like we're here."

As one, the group rose from their seats, a collective sigh of anticipation escaping their lips. They stepped onto the platform, the bustling energy of the station enveloping them. With eager strides, they made their way toward the school, their hearts pounding with a mix of excitement and trepidation.


Their feet ached with every step, the rhythmic beat of their footsteps echoing through the crisp mountain air. The hike up the winding path had taken its toll, and a chorus of groans and sighs filled the air.

"Man, I would've preferred just riding my motorcycle here," Tsukumo lamented, her hands resting languidly behind her neck. Her voice carried a tinge of exasperation, a sentiment shared by many in the group.

After what seemed like an eternity, they finally reached the school's imposing entrance, a grand staircase carving its way up the mountainside. The school itself stood majestically atop the peak, enveloped in a cloak of lush greenery as if guarding a hidden secret.

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