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Toji Fushiguro, a man shrouded in an aura of infamy, was known throughout the Jujutsu world as the Sorcerer Killer. A paradox of existence, he wielded no cursed energy yet had carved a crimson path through the slaughtering of Jujutsu sorcerers, leaving behind a trail of fear and whispers.

Yuki's mind, a labyrinth of intricate thoughts, couldn't help but be captivated by the enigma that was Toji Fushiguro. He was the embodiment of her ideals, a living testament to the possibility of a world devoid of curses. Yet, a question lingered in the depths of her consciousness, a stark contrast to Toji's ruthless reputation: why would a man known for slaying sorcerers target an innocent child?

She shook off the thought, reminding herself of Toji's true nature—that of a merciless assassin. But this realization only birthed another enigma: Who had orchestrated this deadly pursuit?

Lost in the labyrinth of her thoughts, Yuki failed to notice the concerned gaze of everyone around her "Yuki?" Shiro's voice, laced with worry, pulled her back to reality.

Yuki blinked, her mind snapping back to the present. She glanced at Hanako and the others, their expressions filled with genuine concern. "Oh, sorry," she replied, a sheepish smile gracing her lips as she took a sip of her drink. "I got lost in thought," she said

Mei and Iori exchanged puzzled glances, the name "Toji Fushiguro" an unfamiliar echo in their ears.

"Do you have any idea why he was after you?" Yaga inquired, curiosity lacing his tone.

Yuki's mind churned with a darker question. Why was Hanako still alive if Toji Fushiguro was indeed her pursuer?

Hanako met their queries with a helpless shrug, her memory a hazy canvas. "I don't really remember much," she confessed, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "All I recall is him approaching me at the orphanage and then waking up to find most of the back side destroyed.

"And nobody nearby noticed?" Utahime asked, her voice laced with disbelief, and her eyebrows furrowed deeply as she paid close attention to the conversation.

Hanako, her brow creased in contemplation, responded with a slow shake of her head. "No, apparently no one saw anything. It was as if what happened appeared out of nowhere."

Utahime's disbelief grew, her mind racing to find a logical explanation. "But how is that possible? There must have been some clue or witness," she exclaimed, confusion evident in her voice.

"That means someone had put up a curtain that blocked out others from seeing the attack happen," Yaga said, his voice taking on a pensive tone as he rested his chin on his knuckles, deep in thought.

"Then Fushiguro didn't work alone." Tsukumo interjected, her voice sharp and alert, her eyes darting between Yaga and Hanako. 

Yuki and Masamichi exchanged a knowing glance, realizing that they were dealing with a more complex situation than they initially thought. The possibility of a well-orchestrated plan started to unravel before them, leaving them with more questions and hopefully finding the answers too.

"There's no way he could have put up a curtain himself," she affirmed, her voice carrying a weight of certainty.

"Yeah, it's very possible," Yaga responded, his voice heavy with the implications of this information.

"Curtain?" Hanako asked silently, her mind reeling from the unfamiliar terminology. All these terms, like 'curtain' and 'Jujutsu Sorcerers', were just not making sense to her. It all sounded like something out of a dark fantasy manga. The conversation around her seemed to fade into a distant hum as she grappled with the surreal nature of her situation.

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