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"As the essence of Akki lives within your soul, its demise is entwined with your own. The malevolent spirit that has made its home within you will meet its end. when your life comes to an end and ceases to exist. A decision has been made to carry out your execution."

Shiro, seeking any other possible options, questioned their unavoidable fate. But she silenced him before he could reply, her heart already heavy with the reiteration of her doomed fate.

She knew deep down that no matter how much she resisted or pleaded for mercy, there was no escaping the inescapable grip of her impending execution. The weight of her nearing death pressed upon her, leaving her with a sense of resignation and acceptance.

"The execution is imminent and will take place very soon. At the moment, we haven't finalized the specific date, but I can assure you that it will be in the near future." Yaga pressed on

Rather than providing a response, Hanako simply burst into laughter, causing her contagious laughter to reverberate throughout the entire room. a stark contrast to the grim nature of the situation. "This situation is absolutely amazing; it's beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I never once thought I would ever become a death row inmate."

For a moment, Masamichi's eyes widen. He didn't expect this type of response to come from her or anyone, really, but at the same time, it made sense that the majority of sane people would crack after being told their lives were going to end, especially when it wasn't entirely their fault. Masamichi couldn't help but feel a pang of empathy for Hanako, observing her trembling body and tear-stained face and realizing that she and, sadly, others were all victims of circumstances beyond their control.

The uncertainty of the specific date adds to the anxiety and anticipation surrounding the upcoming event. The unexpected burst of laughter from Hanako brings a momentary sense of relief and lightness, momentarily distracting from the overwhelming reality of the entire situation.

As the laughter subsides, the weight of the situation settles back in, causing a heavy silence to fill the room. The flickering fluorescent candle lights overhead serve as a constant reminder of the impending end that awaits.


Utahime wondered, "What are your thoughts on the young girl we recently rescued and brought back with us?" "What do you think is going to happen to her now?" She settled herself comfortably beside Mei at the lunch table in the bustling cafeteria, eagerly awaiting her response.

"I cannot say for certain, but it seems that the issue at hand no longer falls within our responsibility. We have fulfilled our duty by ensuring we brought her back alive," Mei responded.

Utahime nodded, understanding Mei's point. However, a hint of concern lingered in her eyes. "Indeed, that is true. However, it has come to my knowledge through the grapevine of the facility staff that there are some unsettling rumors circulating, suggesting that there might be a sinister plan in motion to carry out her execution."

As soon as she caught wind of this alarming information, Mei's curiosity was instantly piqued, and she found herself deeply intrigued by the potential implications and possible motivations behind such a shocking decision being made.

"Who's going to face execution?" was posed by a familiar voice that unexpectedly emerged from the shadows behind Mei and Iori. Startled, both of them swiftly pivoted to face the source of the inquiry, their eyes locking with the enigmatic individual who had spoken.

"Yuki!" Utahime leaped out of her chair with immense excitement, rushing towards the person in front of her and enveloping them in a warm and tight embrace filled with love and affection.

Hello to both of you, she replied, reciprocating the embrace with Iori. Mei, on the other hand, stood back, observing the emotional reunion.

As Yuki released Iori from her embrace, she turned to Mei and greeted her with a warm smile. "It's been too long since we last saw each other," Yuki said, her voice filled with genuine happiness.

Yuki Tsukumo

A special-grade Jujustu sorcerer. Even though she didn't really abide by the rules of Jujutsu Tech, as for her role, she was neither a student nor a teacher.

"What are you doing here?" Utahime asked, sitting back down on the bench of the table.

Yuki chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Oh, you know me, always finding my way into interesting situations," she replied playfully. "I heard there was some trouble brewing in this area, so I thought I'd come and check it out for myself." But, in all seriousness, I would prefer not to be in this particular place at the moment. The reason being that I have been diligently mentoring a highly promising new student of mine, and I believe that investing my time and energy into their development is of the utmost importance. However, despite my preference, I found myself obligated to attend this important meeting that I was invited to. Yuki conveyed this sentiment.

Her expression took on a slightly more serious tone. It was evident that she had conflicting priorities, as she expressed her hope that this meeting would not prolong, as she had an abundance of catching up to do regarding her student's progress.

Iori, understanding the dedication Yuki had towards her pupil, nodded in agreement, recognizing the depth of commitment Yuki had for her student's growth.

Yuki questioned once more about the person who would be facing execution. with questions. Who were they, and why were they marked for execution?

Yuki's curiosity stemmed from her strong sense of justice and compassion for others. But, most importantly, having the freedom to live your life as you see fit rather than being dictated to by others

She wanted to understand the circumstances surrounding the impending execution, wondering if it had anything to do with the meeting that was being held. If that's the case, she wanted the whole story, hoping to find a way to intervene and prevent such a tragic outcome.

"Ah, yes, Mei and I were on a task to escort a young girl back to Kyoto Tech, and the rumor mill suggests she's destined for execution. At the moment, it's mere hearsay. If I remember correctly, her name was Shiro Hanako," Utahime elaborated.

Yuki listened intently to Utahime's explanation, her mind racing with questions. She wondered what this young girl had done to warrant such a severe punishment. Was her crime truly deserving of death? Yuki couldn't help but feel a deep sense of unease.

"I must admit that if the higher-ups are indeed planning to execute her, then all the efforts invested in locating her seem utterly pointless. It would have been more sensible to grant us the responsibility of dealing with her right from the outset." Utahime said

That statement holds undeniable truth. However, it is imperative to carefully consider the events that unfolded when we discovered her. It is plausible to speculate that the circumstances surrounding her situation may have necessitated the involvement of the higher-ups," Mei responded.

After listening to both Meis and Iori's explanations, Yuki couldn't help but release a deep sigh of exasperation. As their words filled her ears, she began to grasp the nature of the meeting she had been invited to, and the anticipation of it grew even more unbearable.

At that moment, both Mei and Iori caught a glimpse of the swift transformation in Yuki's face, but it soon returned to its usual calm state.

Yuki glanced at the clock hanging on the wall of the lunch room, realizing that it was time for her to leave. She didn't want to risk facing any reprimands for arriving late, so she made a mental note to hurry.

Before leaving, she took a moment to bid farewell to Iori and Mei, whom she had been conversing with. Waving goodbye, Yuki proceeded on her way.

A/N: In one of the comments someone had asked how Hanako ended up in Tokyo as she's from Kyoto and I said it was gonna be answered in either chapter 6 or 7 well it just didn't happen yet. lol

This chapter so far is my least favorite but overall I did enjoy writing it and I hope you all will enjoy reading it.

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