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Year: 2005

Life is a complex tapestry woven with threads of blessings and curses. While some individuals are fortunate enough to be born into favorable circumstances, others find themselves burdened by the weight of misfortune. I belong to the latter category - a realm where the scale of luck tilts unfavorably towards constant struggle and hardship. It's a painful reality to accept, especially when you find yourself on the side of the cursed.


My life has been cursed not because everything has gone wrong, but because I was born with a cursed spirit attached to me. From what I have been told it's been with me since the day I was born 

Taking a closer look at it, it's really funny. One of the happiest moments in one's life is the giving of another life to someone else. This should have been the most blessed day, but it turned out to be the most cursed.

"On the day after my birth, both of my parents passed away." Those are the words the orphanage told me when they took me in. I often think about my parents and wonder who they were, what they did, and what kind of life they lived. In a way, I'm thankful to the orphanage for giving me a home, isn't really clear to me how or whether I would even be interested in knowing.

At 15, the one place I always knew as home no longer wanted me, and the worst part was that the day they wanted to kick me out, it had to be pouring outside. The jerks at the orphanage could've at least given me an umbrella. I guess everything going wrong in my life is part of this curse 

In my distressed state, I vocalized my dissatisfaction with life while tears mixed with the pouring rain, making it impossible to differentiate between them.

"Shes a monster"

"Stay away from her she talks to ghost"

"The girl is crazy"

the words of the other orphan kids playing in the back of my mind

"If I were you, I would calm down. That place is useless," My ears are filled with a voice.

"Shut up! I scream; you're the sole reason I was kicked out."

"You're still alive, right? You should be thankful you're not dead; they could have murdered you if they wanted to." The voice responded.

"As though you were willing to let them kill me Akki" I scoff at the voice's response. "Don't act like you care about my well-being now," I retorted bitterly. "You've never shown any concern before. "Please just leave me alone."

Akki did not respond for a few minutes. It's so cold that shivers run through my body as I try to wrap myself in an embrace to keep warm. I've been wandering the streets of Kyoto since they kicked me out of the orphanage this morning, and now the sun has set and it's dark outside.

I search for any place I can find to get out of the rain. The biting wind cuts through my thin clothes, making me long even more for a warm shelter. The dimly lit streets of Kyoto seem unfamiliar and unwelcoming, amplifying my sense of loneliness and vulnerability. 

My feet are swollen from the constant walking, and my clothing is soaked and clinging to my body. My hair is sticking to my face. I'm also hungry. I haven't eaten anything since dinner last night. Tonkatsu cabbage sounds extremely wonderful right now, I think, as my stomach rumbles. I can feel the exhaustion creeping into my bones, making each step heavier than the last. The blister on my heel is throbbing with every movement, reminding me of the miles I've covered today.

"Be glad they didn't kill you." Yeah, right. I'd prefer they had killed me than die out here in the rain. constant fear and trauma they inflicted upon me. The pain and suffering they caused were unbearable, making death seem like a merciful escape from this never-ending nightmare. I'm only thankful to the place for giving me food and a roof over my head


"Did we really have to take this job today, Mei?" It's pouring outside." Utahime laments as she and Mei travel through Kyoto's rainy streets.

"What's the issue?" Mei said, "We both have umbrellas." Besides, I'm not the person to whom you should be complaining too, "she added.

"Yeah, a job you only agreed to take because the pay would be great," Utahime retorts.

"What's so wrong about that? In this world, no one works for free. There is nothing wrong with doing a job that pays well, especially when it's one that we risk our lives for," Mei responds.

"You make a good point," Utahime pouts. "Speaking of jobs, what are we actually trying to do? You haven't told me the details; you just invited me to come along."

"Hnm" comes out of Mei's mouth as she begins to think. Looking over her shoulder at Iori, I'm not sure she answers.

'Huh!? Her voice quivers. She elevated her voice. "You mean you took a job knowing nothing about it?"

"Calm down, Utahime. I didn't finish," She says

"Oh, sorry for interrupting you. Please continue."

"Anyway, this morning Gakuganji Sensai said to bring someone by the name of Shiro Hanako. It seems like she's an orphan, hence why we went to that orphanage earlier today."

"But the people in charge say she ran away this morning, so why are we still wandering around the rainy streets of Kyoto instead of reporting back to Gakuganji Sensai?"

"The job is to find her and bring her back to Kyoto Tech. Besides, I want to get this done soon; if she ran away this morning, she probably wouldn't have gotten very far."

"Did Gakuganji Sensai give a specific reason why we need to bring her back to Kyoto Tech?"

"No, I didn't ask questions after seeing how much the Job was worth; I immediately said yes and brought you with me. Look, I've already set my birds to search for the area where she might be hiding; if we don't find her in another hour, we can call it a night. The only thing that matters is that our direct instruction was to locate her and bring her in alive."

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