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As Hanako's eyes flutter open, she is immediately overwhelmed by the disorienting sights and sensations around her. The flickering candlelight casts eerie shadows on the walls, while the room is filled with the overwhelming aroma of incense.

As her focus fully comes through, her mind races to make sense of her surroundings, but confusion engulfs her thoughts. She tries to move but finds herself still bound to the chair, unable to break free from the restraints that are holding her captive.

How did she end up here?

Who had tied her up, and why?

The talismans placed around her evoke a sense of protection and warding, but their purpose remains shrouded in mystery.

"I see you're finally awake." A voice captures her attention. She looks in front of her and sees a man sitting in a chair in front of her.

"Where am I?" She asked, looking directly at the man. He had a muscular build; his skin tone was tan; and he had short brown hair that parted on the sides. He looked quite intimidating. "Who are you?"

"My name is Yaga Masamichi, but you can just call me Mr. Yaga," he said.

"Where am I?" Shiro then asked him again.

"Before I answer that, what's the last thing you remember? Do you remember anything before waking up here?"

"The last thing I remember?" Hanako furrowed her brows as she tried hard to think about the last thing she remembered before waking up. Her mind was fuzzy; she kept coming up with a blank. She shook her head, unable to recall anything before finding herself in this unfamiliar place. "I'm sorry, but I can't remember."

She tried her best to think again, and then her eyes widened when she remembered being kicked out of her orphanage. "My orphanage. I was kicked out of my orphanage this morning," she blurted out.

Tears welled up in her eyes as the memory flooded back. She remembered the cold stares and harsh words from the caretakers, feeling a mix of anger and sadness. The pain of rejection still lingered, making her question why she ended up in this unfamiliar place after being cast aside.

"Wait? I was kicked out of my orphanage; why am I waking up to being tied down to a chair?" She raised her brows. Masamichi paused for a moment, looking at Hanako, realizing that she really did not remember anything before now.

"Hanako, that was three days ago. You've been unconscious ever since," he responded.

Hanako's eyes widened with pure confusion strewn across her face. "Three days? What do you mean it's been three days?" she said, her voice shaking with disbelief.

Panic started to set in as she tried to recall any memories from the past few days, but her mind continued to draw a blank. The realization that she had lost three days of her life only intensified her confusion and fear. She tried to move, but it was no use because she was so tightly bound to the chair that she could barely move her arms or legs, which she had now noticed were chained to the floor.

Masamichi sighed, his gaze fixed on Hanako. "Mei and Iori, two of the students here, found you being attacked by a cursed spirit in an empty alleyway three days ago. Following orders, they brought you back to Kyoto Jujutsu Tech."

Hanako's heart raced as she.continued to struggle with piecing together the fragments of her memory. She couldn't recall any encounter with a cursed spirit or being brought to Kyoto Tech. Hearing all this just added to her confusion. paying close attention to his words. "Following orders" specifically stood out to her.

"What exactly do you mean by following orders to bring me here? Tell me why I am tied up". she said

"Akki," he said

Hanako's eyes widened at the mention of the cursed spirit that was attached to her.

"The cursed spirit that you possess is considered highly dangerous. After receiving complaints from the orphanage that you were in, we were ordered to have you brought in since Kyoto Tech specializes in handling cursed spirits and objects," he continued to explain.

"At first, we weren't going to bring you down here, but there was no other choice since Akki had attacked the medical team that was treating you. You do have my sympathy since you weren't conscious of what happened, and as a safe consequence, you were brought down here. Within this room, Akki is unable to fully act on her own."

After he finished his sentence, the candles in the room began to flicker, eventually calming down on their own. Hanko can feel that it's coming from Akki, but as Mr. Yaga said, she can't act out on her own.

Hanako began to panic even more, her voice trembling with fear. "Wait, but Akki is part of me. Does that mean I have to stay locked up like this forever?"

Hanako's heart sank. The thought of being trapped in this room forever with no control over her own actions or even being able to live a normal life. Not that it was ever normal to begin with, but never being able to be in the outside world again sent a wave of despair through her. She always knew that Akki would eventually be the end of her.

"Not quite," he said. "By Jujutsu regulation, it is our duty to exorcise curses. So as directed by the other higher-ups, it's been decided that Akki will be exorcised."


That thought in itself-that Akki, the bane of her existence, could finally be gone and that she would finally be free from the everlasting nightmare of hell that she has been living-would finally come to an end. "So you're telling me that I could actually finally be free?" she asked him.

The serious expression that Masamichi had held throughout their entire conversation had become one of pity. As he was the only one who was against the idea of having the exorcism. since the only way it could be done is if both parties were killed.

Taking note of the change in Mr. Yagas's expression, she realized it was not one she wanted. The smile she hadn't realized stretched across her face quickly fell, and streams of tears fell down her face. "I'm going to die, aren't I?"

A/N: Finally finished chapter six. I will admit I struggled writing this chapter So I hope you all enjoy it.

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