Just as the preparations reached their peak, the doorbell rang, signaling the imminent arrival of Irene and Greggy.

Yara: *subtly panicking* Okay, everyone, they're here! Quick, find your places, and let's act natural!

The siblings and grandchildren swiftly dispersed, each assuming their designated roles. Alfonso hovered by the entrance, ready to welcome Irene and Greggy, while Luis discreetly adjusted the lighting for an extra touch of ambiance.

Alfonso opened the door with a welcoming smile

Alfonso: Mom, Dad, welcome home! Happy birthday, Mom!
Irene: *puzzled expression* Alfonso, you're supposed to be abroad for work. What's going on?

Alfonso: *maintaining the surprise, grinned* Well, I managed to come back just in time for a special occasion. Surprise, Mom!

As Irene stepped through the front door, she was greeted by an unexpected sight, leaving Irene momentarily shocked and pleasantly surprised, entered to the joyful chorus of "Happy Birthday" from her family.

Irene: *shocked, surprised* Oh, my goodness!

One by one, Luis, Xandra, and the grandchildren emerged, each offering heartfelt birthday wishes. Irene's initial confusion transformed into a mixture of shock and overwhelming emotion as she realized the lengths her family had gone to make her birthday extraordinary.

Irene: *eyes welling up with tears of joy* You all... I can't believe this. How did you manage to keep it a secret?
Yara: *beaming* Surprise, Mom! We wanted to make your birthday extra special. Come *kissed Irene, hold her hand*

The dining room, adorned with decorations and the loving efforts of Yara's siblings, elicited a gasp of delight from Irene. Xandra with the kids, presenting a beautifully wrapped gift:

"Happy birthday, Mom! These are all for you."

Irene, overwhelmed with emotion, accepted the gifts from her family with gratitude.

Irene: I'm truly touched and forever thankful. Thank you for making my birthdays unforgettable, babies.

The evening became a joyous celebration, filled with laughter, shared stories, sumptuous food, and family warmth. Irene blew out the candles, surrounded by loved ones, as heartfelt wishes echoed in the room.

After dinner, Irene walked towards her children, who were having their bond. She was embraced by her three precious children, and nothing more could she say but a thank you to them. In that cherished moment, Irene held each of them close, overwhelmed by the sweetness of their love.

Yara: *embracing her mom* Are you happy, mama?
Irene: *teary smile* More than words can express, my sweet girl. You've made this birthday truly special, again guys.

Alfonso: Mom, you know we love making you feel loved. You deserve the best.
Luis: *joining the embrace* Your happiness means everything to us, Mom. Happy birthday!

Irene, surrounded by her children, couldn't help but express her overflowing emotions, her eyes welling up with tears of joy.

Irene: You three... Alfonso, Luis, Yara. As I look at each of you, I just need to tell you how much your love means to me. Even as you've grown into incredible individuals with lives of your own, you never forget to bring joy to Mommy's heart. You still make Mom feel loved and appreciated.

Alfonso: *smiling* Well, Mom, it's easy when you've given us a lifetime of love.
Luis: You've set the bar high, Mom. We just want to make sure you feel it every day.

Yara: *leaning towards Irene* You've given us the best example of love, mama. We just want to return it.

Luis: *hugging Irene* Your happiness is our happiness, Mom. Always.
Alfonso: *playfully* Mom, you're our joy supplier. It's a full-time job, but we love it.

Irene, holding back tears, holds her children's hands and says

Irene: You've made being your mom the greatest gift. Every day, I feel your love, and it's the most beautiful feeling. Thank you for being the amazing souls you are, my heartbeats.

Yara, playfully clinging to her mom quips,

Yara: Mom, can we just stay like this forever?
Irene: *laughing* Oh, Yara, my sweet, clingy girl. I'd love that more than anything. You all make my heart so full.

As they shared this tender moment, Luis discreetly captured a beautiful picture of his mom and siblings, freezing the love and warmth they felt in a single frame – a snapshot of a birthday filled with genuine joy and family bonds.

Greggy, stepping forward, charmingly said,

Greggy: Well, may I have my beautiful wife's hand? How about a dance to wrap up this wonderful day?
Irene: *feeling kilig, delighted* A dance? Oh, Mr. Araneta, I would love that. *giggling*

As Greggy and Irene swayed to the soft rhythm, their children couldn't help but watch with adoration.

Alfonso: *nudging Luis* Look at Mom and Dad, they're like teenagers in love.

Luis, grinning. In his photograph strikes again – capturing the sweet moment of their parents. Meanwhile, Yara pulled her siblings to the dance floor.

Yara: This is too sweet to just watch – let's make it a family affair!

The room transformed into a dance floor filled with laughter and joy as the family twirled and swayed together. Luis, with his camera in hand, snapped candid shots of every smile and every twirl, preserving those simple joy and enchanting moments.

It was more than a birthday celebration; it was a day filled with love, happiness, and contentment for the whole family. A picture-perfect ending to a birthday celebration they'll remember fondly for years

In the quiet of the evening, Irene reflected on the love surrounding her. Her heart swelled with gratitude. savored the tranquility of the moment, her gaze lingered on each member of her family.

"I have Alfonso, Luis, Yara, Xandra – my treasures. My Greggy, my lifelong partner in this beautiful life,
and these precious little ones. What more could I ask for?
– it's more than enough. I'm truly blessed."

She smiled, feeling content.  A soft sigh escaped her, a mix of contentment and profound appreciation.

"I have the world in my family, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Each laugh, every shared moment – it's a treasure. This love, this life, is more than I could have dreamed of. 
This is more than a full heart; it's a heart bursting with pure, unfiltered love"


The following night after Irene's birthday, they boarded a lengthy flight; accompanied by Greggy and her daughter Yara, headed to London for the Queen's funeral.

As they landed in London, a somber atmosphere enveloped the city, mourning the passing of the beloved Queen. Irene, carrying the weight of her role as the President's Special Representative, found herself thrust into a web of political intrigue.

~to be continued~

The Good Familyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें