Bloom 🦋

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Irene and Greggy's pieces of luggage are ready, as is her daughter Yara, and she has also cleaned and organized their home in preparation for their departure to LAX. She then went into her daughter's room to check out how is she feeling about leaving their house soon.

(Irene's POV )
As I walk in on Yara rearranging toiletries in her bathroom. When she saw me she made a sweeping gesture towards her countertop and gleefully declared.

Yara: Mama, diba I am an only child? Who's living with you and daddy nalang?
Irene: *shocked* Yes, my love. Why?

Yara: But look, there are 12 toothbrushes on my countertop!
Irene: *laughing* That's for your friends, darling. In case they want to have a sleepover

Irene chortled at what her daughter said and realized that it is still pandemic, so her friends couldn't have sleepovers, so when Yara goes to her dad, she hid the ample toothbrushes in her daughter's bathroom.

Yara approached her daddy, who was eating on the patio after disinfecting their carport, the father and daughter connection having a conversation, and seemed that they were just in their own world.

Greggy: I vividly remembered when you were as tiny as like a kitten, hija. Really tiny I may say.
Yara: You remember dad when you showed me an old photo and I was barely two weeks old when that was taken, right?

Greggy: Yes, I was tilting my nose on you and you were yawning and your mom captured it.
Yara: Mom said you we're whispering something to me nga

Greggy: I told the two weeks old you, that "with dad, your protector, your first playmate, your very own whisperer, you're forever safe and nothing hurts when dad is there to protect"
Yara: You are the sweetest, daddy! Love you, dad!

Greggy: I love you too, hija. I'm lucky I have you, your mom, and your brothers.

Irene is looking at her husband and child as they share stories about just how absolutely delighted Greggy was when they had their unica hija.

(Irene's POV)
These two have always had their own special bond- their own little rituals, secrets, quiet
talks, and stories. I love you both so very much, always and always.

Irene: Back when you were small and naughty, little girl

*Greggy and Yara were startled upon hearing Irene's voice approaching them*

Yara: Oh Mommy! come here, seat with us.
Irene: You woke me up and we played for a bit in the bedroom, and when we stepped out...

Greggy: Luis perched you on the cabinet and told you not to move
Irene: And you pretend like you were a doll and you really look like a doll my Victoria, miss the days when you were that tiny too! 

Greggy: You have grown so much, our sunshine. Stay little for just a little bit longer
Yara: Awww, mom and dad. I will forever be your lil kitten *giggling* even if am not that tiny like a shoebox anymore, I love you two! *hugged and kissed her parents on the cheeks*

Before the three of them burst into tears, Irene remembered Nina had called her to eat at Mustard Grill, and Margie was also there. Just right for they don't want to cook anymore as they're tired of preparing what they'll carry back to their home in the Philippines and don't want to clean up again, so they start dressing up to go to their friends.

When they arrived at the place for their lunch, Irene and Yara went down the car first, while Greggy parked their car and started walking together. Irene, like such a clingy mother, holds her daughter's hand closely while Yara sways as they wander.

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