Satanael: I'm sure that you have seen it with your father's Qlippoth faction.

Razevan: Yes, the evil dragons of Crom Cruach, Apophis, and even Angra Mainyu's creation, Aži Dahāka, turn against him.

Satanael: But they still had their pride in fighting their opponents, that being the celestial dragons.

Razevan: Indeed.

Satanael: By showing a united front, make the factions know that we cannot be divided, I hear the Sekiryuutei has the capability of turning enemies to allies.

Razevan: A troublesome thing, but for now, he is MIA as is Vali, which works out well for us, but isn't he part of Rias Gremory's peerage? He would be partaking in the rating game, so he is out of our crosshairs for now.

Satanael: Then this is where we part ways, take care, both of you - giving a handshake to both men, before he walked out of the lab to go speak with Richard.

Morou: I shall be off, my lord.

Razevan: Rendezvous back here.

Morou: Understood - activating the transport seal to head to Angra's domain.

Razevan grabbed the soul collector that he would use to collect the souls that he wanted. Then he remembered that his father had an institute in the outskirts of a valley made of ice in Cocytus. After all, it was where they found Lilith's body, so he could check to see if the factions had cleaned the place out. He had modeled his current base after it as a means to sustain Lilith's body, but soon, he could decompose his grandmother once he had her power.

Razevan: 'All going to plan' - he thought smugly before he transported himself to the realm of the dead, where Hades resides.


People were preparing for the rematch between Rias Gremory and Sairaorg Bael, but the majority knew of what had been done to their hero. They still sold out of Oppai Dragon merch, knowing that it would be the last time that they would get it. It was also sending proceeds to the Gremory clan because they were aware the patriarchs had taken in their hero as their own, not for their daughter's sake, but for his own.

Serafall was walking down the halls of the Agreas Dome with Merlin and Lilith at her side or rather, Lilith walked between Merlin and Serafall, holding each of their hands. It was very embarrassing for Serafall, when Yasaka smirked at her, picking up the mixed essence between Merlin and Serafall. Yasaka laughed at how Merlin got Issei's approval, but she was disappointed to not speak to the boy herself. Of course, they were heading to meet with all the other leaders for this event, until someone called for her.

????: Serafall-sama!

Serafall: Hmm, Klaus? You never call by that suffix, what is it?

Klaus: I was trying to show respect - he gave a nod to Merlin - hello.

Merlin: Greetings.

Serafall: What do you need, Klaus?

Klaus: I wanted your opinion on something.

Serafall: And that is?

Klaus: If we need the manpower, I'd like to reincarnate Gabriel as my queen.

Serafall: Gabriel?

Klaus: Yes, I've been talking with her.

Serafall: You're interested?

Klaus: In a romantic sense, no, I'm more like a therapist for her.

Serafall: Oh?

Klaus: Yes, she feels that she rushed into the relationship with Issei, so she was not sure whether she loved him or it was feelings of admiration.

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