OVA 3: Confirming Doubts

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No character, music, images belong to me as their rights belong to their respective authors and creators.

Note, this is the same Monday as seen in the beginning of chapter 21

On the same Monday that the girls went to school and would receive their mission to handle some monsters. Irina Shidou, the resident "angel", did not go, as if something told her to stay away. She laid in bed, reminiscing about the dreams she has been having. She had given her concerns to Gabriel on the girls trip that they took.

They were becoming slightly more vivid, she thought she could envision herself with Kiba, since she did some training with him after the Trihexa incident but her dreams said otherwise and his attitude towards her had not been kind as of late. In her dreams, Kiba was always walking away from her, but she was happy and she had a family with someone else. Someone with brown hair, but she could never see their face, however, now that man was always fading into ash, when she was cuddling him and he would always ask her: "Why did you do it?"

She could not understand the question, but the voice sounded familiar to her. She would also trace back to Rossweisse's words as well and she felt guilty because she thought back to her childhood. She had talked with Gabriel of her past, but never could remember the name of the boy in her dreams. She did note how that boy from her past was very similar to the man that she had a family with in her dreams. Sadly, that world was always crumbling around her, she would be holding a baby, but then the baby faded away, the family portrait faded away, her home with the man faded away. She felt down and felt like she shouldn't be here because something was missing.

When the others went to school, she chose to be excused as she felt that she lost a piece of herself. Seeing as no one was in the house, she went to the roof to the shrine she had made for Ophis, who laid there, feeling weak and despondent, but overall, emotionless. She figured that she might as well speak to the loli, maybe get some insight.

Irina: Ophis-sama, are you okay? - taking a seat next to the dragon loli.

Ophis: Hmm, oh, it's the self-proclaiming angel sister.

Irina: Well, I don't feel like an angel at the moment.

Ophis: What do you mean?

Irina: Well, have you ever felt that you were missing a piece of yourself?

Ophis: Yes, when Rizevim stole my power, why?

Irina: Oh, well, I haven't had my power stolen, but like a piece of my heart, it's like I can't get it back, you could always get your power back, but I don't think I can get that piece of my heart back.

Ophis: Your heart? - tilting her head in confusion.

Irina: Yes, you see, I've been having these dreams of having a family, however, the father is not Kiba like I thought it would be. It's someone else, they have brown hair, a little darker than mine, but I never see their face. When I talked with Rossweisse, she mentioned that she wouldn't want to be my childhood friend and I thought about my childhood, before I used to get bullied and felt alone, until this boy stood by my side. We played together, everything that you could imagine as kids, but I couldn't see his face either, but I noticed that he and the man in my dreams had similar hairstyles.

Ophis: So you are dreaming about your future mate?

Irina: I don't think so, I think I already met him, but I did something that hurt him because in the dream, he would ask me why did I do it? Then things start fading into ash, the baby that I held, gone, the two kids playing outside, gone, and then the husband whose children I mothered, he went, too. I'm not sure if it was a good idea that I slept with Kiba-kun now because a week after that, those dreams started occurring.

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