Chapter 6

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Issei with an empty look and an emotionless tone: 'Tell me, Ddraig, what you would do if I committed suicide.'

Ddraig: Er... Is.. - he tried to find something to say but those simple words left his mind in a mess.

Issei: 'Tell me, you think I should?' - without changing his look and tone.

Ddraig: Partner... wh.. why do you think you should? - coming out of his stupor, having fear of what Issei could do.

Issei: 'Ddraig, think about it' - looking to the sky - 'how shitty do you have to be so that your "friend" from childhood, whom you waited 10 years to see you, sleeps with your "best friend" who you helped overcome his past and whenever he needed me, I would help him, and the most "pure" angel in heaven, changes you for your transvestite "friend" who you help to be more manly, ha... in the end, it seems Gasper is a better man than me' - with every word, his eyes and tone seemed to lose emotion and brightness - 'so how shitty am I?' - lowering his head.

Ddraig was perplexed, he knew that if he told Issei not to think about it, he would guard and suppress his negative feelings, and in the end, he would explode or not to cry for some wretched.

Ddraig: 'Damn, I can not say that he is suppressing his feelings but he is taking the worst path, I should not tell him not to cry for the Gremory, seraph, phoenix, and reincarnated angel, ahh FUCK, WHAT I DO, WHAT DO I DO, IF ONLY I COULD GET OUT OF THIS DAMN SEAL, MY PARTNER NEEDS ME, THAT SOMEONE IS WITH HIM, NOT MENTALLY, BUT PHYSICALLY, TO SUPPORT HIM .... I hope this will not get worse than it is.' - angry at the state his partner is in.

Ddraig: Quiet partner, you still have the Valkyrie and the cadre - trying to lift the mood of issei - just wait an.. - but was interrupted by Issei.

Issei: Haha, tell me the truth,Ddraig, you think Ross and Penemue will still be faithful - a dead tone in his voice, without any emotions on his face.

Ddraig: Partn........ I don't know - regrets and worries in his mind - but they're with... - but was interrupted again.

Issei: Because they're with Azazel, the one who I consider a second father, and he considers me like a son - with a little happiness coming back to his voice.

Issei: Ddraig do you think I should go and see what happens in Grigori? - the emotionless tone returning, but with a little worry about what could happen and what he could find.

Ddraig: Yes, let's go to Grigori, I do not think that those two are unfaithful, they are the most mature mentally, I do not think they would do that, and they are with Azazel, there should be no problem - but in his mind - 'I hope that those two have not done something, I don't know what would happen with Issei, his mind is already breaking, and his feelings are turning negative, damn I pray that nothing bad will happen.'

Issei: Ok - with a little more emotion and his eyes returning to normal.

Ddraig: Let me help you - harnessing his energy through the Boosted Gear to make the magic circle.

Issei, confused: Because I can't do it alone?

Ddraig: Well, since you are suffering from the fall of the dragon, your power is unstable, if you used a lot, the pains and bleeding would get worse. - This was said seriously, but with concern as to not trouble his partner even more.

Issei: Oh, I understand - seeing the implications that if he used too much of his power, the symptoms would get worse.

Ddraig: Ok, we're leaving - As the young Sekiryuutei was teleported.

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