Chapter 22

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Serafall was handling some paperwork, she had finished a conversation with Issei and his grandmother like she had done the past couple of days. It felt good talking to him again, hearing his voice, he was definitely feeling a lot better from the last time she saw him. Though she knew she could not tell him about the threat of Razevan because she knew that he would come back and not have completed his training, so she kept that hidden from him. She was intrigued about the "Oasis", it sounded similar to the Agares clan's power. She also looked at Lilith, another secret she withheld from Issei, she did enjoy spending time with the girl, but she figured that Lilith tolerated her because she had Issei's essence mixed with hers.

The gothic loli was quite adamant about seeing her "Onii-chan", but would settle down, when provided with sweets. It made Serafall glad that she didn't get rid of the bakery in her castle or rather some of them. Right now, Lilith was eating a slice of cake, she never understood why Serafall wouldn't let her find her "Onii-chan", but also not see her "Onee-chan". She was not aware of what Ophis had done and Serafall was afraid of how she would react.

Serafall was having these thoughts as she looked at the loli that sat across from her. She was so lost in her thoughts that despite staring at Lilith, Lilith was staring right back, but still eating her cake.

Serafall: 'I don't know how she'll react to what Ophis did to Issei, would she seek her out for answers or look for Issei, I don't know how long I can keep the truth from her.'

Lilith: Why are you staring so long at Lilith? - snapping Serafall out of her thoughts to see Lilith's brown eyes peering back at her.

Serafall: Hmm, oh, sorry, just thinking of how to keep you busy - with a nervous giggle.

Lilith simply tilted her head in confusion, to Serafall, she thought it was adorable. Just then, a maid came into Serafall's office to inform her of something.

Maid: Serafall-sama, Ajuka-sama has come to see you and he has brought a guest with him.

Serafall's eyes widened as she was not expecting Ajuka to come by and she was curious about who he brought with him, but something told her that she wouldn't like the answer.

Serafall: Send them in.

Maid: Right away, Serafall-sama - leaving the office as Serafall let out a sigh, until Lilith asked her a question.

Lilith: How come you don't want Lilith to see Onii-chan?

Serafall: Huh? - she was hoping the maid's intrusion would have distracted Lilith from that topic, but apparently not.

Lilith: Onii-chan, Lilith would like to see Onii-chan, but you won't let Lilith see him, why?

Serafall: It's a bit complicated, actually, it's very complicated.

Lilith: Then why won't you let Lilith see Onee-chan?

Serafall looked sadly at the gothic loli, which made Lilith tilt her head again, something about that look she did not like.

Serafall: Lilith-chan, let me ask you something, if your Onee-chan did something bad to your Onii-chan, how would you feel?

Lilith stopped chewing her cake and looked at the Maou, pondering the question. Now she was curious about what had happened between her surrogate older siblings.

Lilith: What happened while Lilith was gone?

Before Serafall could respond, her office opened and the maid that came in before had entered, but this time with Ajuka and Merlin, but not only, it seemed they had their own slices of cake as well.

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