Chapter 20

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Merlin: So there are no more fairies or giants and the gods still exist?

Arthur: To an extent, different mythologies have those creatures.

Arthur, Bikou, and Elaine had been explaining what the world was like or rather the supernatural world as they ate dinner. They had met Arthur's father, Uther, who was blessed to be in the mage's presence and offered her meals to satiate her hunger as she had been sealed for so long. He was amazed that she didn't age a day from what the scriptures of his ancestor depicted her as.

Merlin: I see, tell me, Uther, are there any more children of yours, besides Arthur? - as she had finished swallowing some of her food.

Uther placed his cutlery down and had a somber expression on his face as he remembered about his daughter, Le Fay. But in remembering her, he remembered the act that she did, but let out a sigh and responded.

Uther: Yes, I do, a daughter, her name is Le Fay, she was quite a fan of your work.

Merlin: Oh and where is she? - intrigued to meet a fan of hers.

Uther: Probably out with her demon lover - grumbling at the actions that his daughter did.

Arthur: Father!

Uther: It's true, and you know it, Arthur!

Bikou: Um, not necessarily, Uther-san, it appears that "he" has no interest in your daughter, and she was used for his own gain, which was to irk Issei-san into a fight.

Merlin: I'd like to hear more about this and who is Issei?

Uther: I'll say it, my daughter cheated on the Sekiryuutei, Issei Hyoudou, with his rival, Vali Lucifer.

Merlin: Sekiryuutei? - as she pondered - 'I've heard of that title before.'

Arthur: Father, I'd advise not to call him "Hyoudou" anymore, after all, they were involved in this betrayal.

Uther: Ah, yes, I forgot, if he wants, I would adopt him and he can bear the Pendragon name with you, Arthur - he still wanted that connection to Wales and possibly adopting Issei would be another course of action that he could take.

Merlin: Where is the Sekiryuutei? - cutting into the conversation between the father and son.

Arthur: No one knows where he is, other than that he is training.

Merlin: I see, I have a feeling that he may have been involved in my awakening, during the early days, once Arthur, your ancestor, developed the knights of the Round Table, there was one that had the sword, Arondight.

Arthur: We've heard of that blade, however, its wielder descended into madness.

Merlin: Yes, his name was Lancelot, but his son, Galahad, had captured the blade and requested me to seal it with his treasures. He also called himself by that title, Sekiryuutei. He also had me take the dragon known as Ddraig's cave to this place in France, believing that people would look for the dragon's treasures and also it was the birthplace of his father. He also wanted a training room of sorts, but he wanted the area that confined the place to have time go faster than the outside world.

Bikou: You think Issei could have gone there?

Merlin: Possibly, Galahad wanted it to be the place for Sekiryuutei to train and grow stronger faster, hence why time inside there goes much faster than out here, but I had kept a seal on Arondight, in case, it is drawn from its prison, it would send me an alert and I think that this Issei drew the sword.

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